dimecres, de desembre 26, 2007

S'està acabant... l'any!

Ahir mateix comentava que feia molts dies que no actualitzava el blog... i si no m'afanyu passarà l'any i no hauré posat res 8-)

Per anar passant poso una cançó d'un grup que està pujant dins la meva llista, són els The Arcade Fire, que ja en podreu trobar unes quantes cançóns al meu blog.

Aquesta gent són genials, fan una mena de indie-pop-rock-barroc que al començament potser costa una mica de fer passar... però cada vegada que tornes a escoltar les cançons hi descobreixes algun só, alguna cosa que fa que la vulguis tornar a escoltar!

La cançó es diu Wake Up, és en directe i a més hi ha la col·laboració d'en David Bowie.

Wake Up - The Arcade Fire

Something filled up
My heart with nothing
Someone told me not to cry

But now that I'm older
My heart's colder
And I can see that it's a lie

Children, wake up
Hold your mistake up
Before they turn the summer into dust

If the children don't grow up
Our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up
We're just a million little gods causing rainstorms
Turning every good thing to rust

I guess we'll just have to adjust

With my lightning bolts a-glowin'
I can't see where I am going to be
When the reaper, he reaches and touches my hand

With my lightning bolts a-glowin'
I can't see where I am going
With my lightning bolts a-glowin'
I can't see where I am going

You better look out below!

dimarts, de novembre 27, 2007

Tot just dimarts, es presenta una setmana llarga

Avui... ha siguit un dia llarg.. i bastant dur, em fa mal el cap, l'esquena, els ulls... estic fet malbé :P Poso una cançó que m'anima bastant, d'un grup que es diu Los Campesions! que encara que el nom pugui semblar de per aquí a prop, són de Cardiff! La lletra no té molt sentit... però la cançó anima :) Amb aquests també he descobert un nou tipus de música Twee i totes les seves variants: Tweecore, Twee pop,...

International TweeXcore Underground - Los Campesinos!

I bet you twenty pounds if you knew ten years ago how pretty you'd turn out then you'd never have gotten your ears pierced, but I never got my ears pierced and look how I turned out,
and the last time that you tried listening to music, and reading fiction at the same time, you never finished the chapter, but you finished the song with your chin on your knees like you belong

and i never cared about Henry Rollins
Amelia Fletcher never meant anything to me
but the International Tweexcore Underground, will save us all

Getting the laptop fixed by a professional doesn't make me a pawn and
stamping harder on your FX pedal, won't make you feel any better any more
oh you said "we've gotta bite the hand that feeds" but I was sucking seductively on the fingertips of a civil servant,
said "how you gonna bring the state down when you're propping it up?
with daytime radio
and skimmed milk and soppy bows
just 'cause you're scared to be alone"

and I never cared about Ian MacKaye
Calvin Johnson never meant anything to me
but the International Tweexcore Underground, will save us all

Ooh, this city is run by fucking pigs, and though you say you're my friend, you're not, you're one of them.

and i never cared about...whatever
Sarah Records never meant anything to me
but the International Tweexcore Underground, will save us all

diumenge, de novembre 25, 2007

Diumenge, fa bon temps, sol i aireja

Una de les coses bones del diumenge és que m'aixecu descansat, i si és com avui que fa un dia bó... amb ganes de fer coses :) Lo dolent és que si ja som diumenge vol dir que demà serem dilluns... pfffff! què hi farem!

Ja van estar per aquí al SummerCase'07 però no hi vaig poder anar... a veure si el pròxim cop que vinguin hi puc anar :) No sé què té aquest grup però enganxen molt, a més es pot veure com realment s'ho passen bé tocant... i això ho transmete a la gent.

Crown of Love - The Arcade Fire

They say it fades if you let it
Love was made to forget it
I carved your name across my eyelids
You pray for rain, I pray for blindness

If you still want me, please forgive me
The crown of love has fallen from me
If you still want me, please forgive me
Because the spark is not within me

I snuffed it out before my mom walked in my bedroom

The only thing that you keep changing
Is your name, my love keeps growing
Still the same, just like a cancer
And you won't give me a straight answer

If you still want me, please forgive me
The crown of love has fallen from me
If you still want me, please forgive me
Because your hands are not upon me

I shrugged them off before my mom walked in my bedroom

The pains of love, and they keep growing
In my heart there's flowers growing
On the grave of our old love
Since you gave me a straight answer

If you still want me, please forgive me
The crown of love is not upon me
If you still want me, please forgive me
Because this crown is not within me
It's not within me, it's not within me

You got to be the one
You got to be the way
Your name is the only word that I can say

You got to be the one
You got to be the way
Your name is the only word
The only word that I can say

dimarts, de novembre 20, 2007

Un dia llarg

Avui ha sigut un dia llarg... he arribat a casa rebentat! amb ganes d'anar al sofà i deixar passar el temps sense fer res important... només mirar la tele... o si més no fer com si la mirés.
Sort que ahir vaig descobrir aquesta cançó! mai tant ben trobada ;-) va que d'aquí poc anem cap a amsterdam a veure la Sandra! Ueee!

Neuronas - Andy Chango

Hoy quiero quemar
un monton de neuronas
tengo que olvidar
las miles de horas
que debo currar

Tengo que elegir
entre millones de drogas
debo decidir
si quiero una sola
o quiero mezclar

Y a volar, a volar, a volar
y a subirse a las olas del mar
hoy me voy a intoxicar
Y a volar, a volar, a volar
y a subirse a las olas del mar
hoy me voy a intoxicar

Hoy quiero quemar
un monton de neuronas
tengo que olvidar
las miles de horas
que debo currar

Tengo que elegir
entre millones de drogas
debo decidir
si quiero una sola
o quiero mezclar

Y a volar, a volar, a volar
y a subirse a las olas del mar
hoy me voy a intoxicar

Y a volar, a volar, a volar
y a subirse a las olas del mar
hoy me voy a intoxicar

Y a volar, a volar, a volar
y a subirse a las olas del mar
hoooooooooooy me voy a intoxicar,

Y a volar, a volar, a volar
y a subirse a las olas del mar
hoy me voy a intoxicar

El vídeo està en anglès/castellà... no he trobat cap altre :S

dissabte, de novembre 17, 2007


Feia mooolt que no actualitzava el meu probric bloc... si és que entre una cosa i una altre no tinc temps! Torno amb una cançó que últimament l'estant posant cada cinc minuts per la ràdio, el qual crec que està bé perquè molta gent la pugui escoltar, però també corre el perill de convertir-se en una cançó comercial (espero que no :P)

També he actualitzat els enllaços afegint una nova web, Mou l'intelecte! d'en Pitu (que tot s'ha de dir està una mica malament del cap :P, però la idea està molt bé!)

Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes, you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice
It's my disguise
I'm by your side

Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
What you do to me

Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me, girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good

Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away, I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all

Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way
Our friends would all make fun of us
And we'll just laugh along because
We know that none of them have felt this way

Delilah, I can promise you
That by the time that we get through
The world will never ever be the same
And you're to blame

Hey there Delilah
You be good and don't you miss me
Two more years and you'll be done with school
And I'll be making history like I do
You'll know it's all because of you
We can do whatever we want to
Hey there Delilah
Here's to you
This one's for you

Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
What you do to me

dissabte, de setembre 15, 2007

S'ha acabat la setmana i he acabat la carrera!

Doncs síííííííí! finalment he acabat :P. Em pensava que un cop acabat em canviaria molt la vida, però de moment l'únic que sento és tranquilitat :), tranquilitat en no haver de pensar què haig de fer per demà, que haig d'entregà d'aquí dos dies i que deixo de fer perquè no tinc temps!
És una sensació extranya d'estar flotant... de no saber... i de pau :D

Ara només queda celebrar-ho!!

Young Folks - Peter, Bjorn & John

if i told you things i did before
told you how i used to be
would you go along with someone like me
if you knew my story word for word
had all of my history
would you go along with someone like me

i did before and had my share
it didn't lead nowhere
i would go along with someone like you
it doesn't matter what you did
who you were hanging with
we could stick around and see this night through

and we don't care about the young folks
talkin' bout the young style
and we don't care about the old folks
talkin' 'bout the old style too
and we don't care about their own faults
talkin' 'bout our own style
all we care 'bout is talking
talking only me and you

usually when things has gone this far
people tend to disappear
no-one will surprise me unless you do

i can tell there's something goin' on
hours seems to disappear
everyone is leaving i'm still with you

it doesn't matter what we do
where we are going to
we can stick around and see this night through

and we don't care about the young folks
talkin' bout the young style
and we don't care about the old folks
talkin' 'bout the old style too
and we don't care about their own faults
talkin' 'bout our own style
all we care 'bout is talking
talking only me and you

and we don't care about the young folks
talkin' bout the young style
and we don't care about the old folks
talkin' 'bout the old style too
and we don't care about their own faults
talkin' 'bout our own style
all we care 'bout is talking
talking only me and you
talking only me and you

talking only me and you
talking only me and you

P.D. Com enganxa aquesta cançó!

dimarts, de setembre 11, 2007

Finito. Agafant nous camins

Doncs sí! ahir mateix vaig acabar el meu últim (o això espero :P) examen de la carrera. Ara un cop acabat, se'm fa difícil creure-ho, però ja es diu... que s'acaba una cosa per començar-ne una altre :)

Avui tornant de barcelona, escoltant ICatfm, han posat aquesta La taberna d'Old John i no ho puc evitar, cada vegada que la sento se'm posa la pella de gallina. No sé si és aquesta tonada celta, les notes agudes que fa la flauta travessera, el violí o tot plegat!

Doncs bé... ara toca agafar nous camins!

La Taberna d'Old John - Pep Sala

Cervesa negra i els diners comptats
la nostàlgia la podràs trobar
al port, a la taverna d'Old John.

Hi ha els poetes que van fracassar
i quatre músics que sempre han tocat
cançons amb l'esperit de James Joyce.

El Vell John és la llegenda viva del lloc
ell mai deixarà aquest racó.

El camí que em porta a la taverna d'Old John
és ple de desencants és un home noble
i torna de tot segur que m'acollirà a les seves mans.

Tornant aquí després de tant de temps
em sembla veure la mateixa gent
perduts en les històries d'Old John.

Les seves fotos omplen les parets
els seus records aturats en el temps
el Vell John les observa amb el cor.

I té por de poder perdre un dia aquest lloc
ell mai deixarà el seu racó.

El camí que em porta fins a Dublín
està ple de paranys
aquesta terra és noble i sense cremar
segur que m'acollirà a les seves mans.

Records de la guerra, camises gastades
les cares cremades és tot el que he trobat.

El camí que em porta a la taverna d'Old John
és ple de desenganys
és un home noble i torna de tot
segur que m'acollirà a les seves mans.

diumenge, de setembre 09, 2007

Altre cop a bcn

Avui torno a estar a Barcelona, demà (si tot va bé) tinc l'últim examen de la carrera! Estic a la recta final, no m'ho crec i em costa molt fer aquest últim esforç... però s'ha de fer! s'ha de fer i treure-m'ho d'una vegada.

He arribat amb cotxe, just al entrar al meu ex-barri Via Júlia (Roquetes, Nou Barris) m'ha entrat tota una sèrie de records, semblarà mentida, però m'ha fet il·lusió veure que els carrers encara estaven plens de vida, tothom a les terrasses :) Després he arribat al pis, on m'he retrobat amb els meus companys de pis, que bé tornar-los a veure, sembla com si hagués de tornar a començar el curs, però no, només serà una visita fugaç :(

Venint amb el cotxe he escoltat una cançó, i ara abans d'anar a dormir i fer l'última repassada sabia que l'havia de posar aquí.

Someday - Brett Dennen

In the womb of winter summer seems a myth
In my desperation I throw my faith into the wind
Born to a world where it is a fight just to fit in
From the cradle to the grave it never ends

Someday, someday
In a cloud of grey I will
I'll make my great escape

So many ways to walk upon the earth
I traced my footsteps to the place of my birth
So what do you do with all your precious time
So many ways in which to reach for the sky

Someday, someday
In a cloud of grey I will
I'll make my great escape

Someday, someday
In a cloud of grey I will
I'll make my great escape

Said, little bit by little bit

I may be weary but I am not weak
I can sing a song of suffering
Baby, a song unsung is dancing on the tip of your tongue
My salvation's ahead of me
I can feel it calling me
I know that I
I know that I will be ready

Someday, someday
In a cloud of grey I will
I'll make my great escape

El vídeo no és l'original, no l'he trobat :( però no està gens malament! sobretot espereu-vos als crèdits ;-)

divendres, de setembre 07, 2007


Aquí tornem a estar... intentant estudiar :P però es posa difícil! Estava escoltant música a través de Last.fm, i m'ha passat pel cap una cançó que abans escoltava molt. Brown eyed girl, resulta que un professor a batxillerat ens la posava al començament de cada classe :) i al final del curs ens va fer un cd amb diferents versions d'aquesta cançó! brutal! :D Tot això era just a batxillerat i ara... si va tot bé d'aquí poc acabaré amb la universitat... com passa el temps... per lo bó i per lo dolent :)

Ale doncs, you're my brown eyed girl ;-)

Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison

Hey where did we go
Days when the rains came
Down in a hollow
Playin' a new game

Laughin' and a runnin'
Skippin' and a jumpin'
In the misty mornin' fog
Ah with our hearts a thumpin'
Was you my brown eyed girl
You my brown eyed girl

Now what ever happened
Tuesday is oh so slow
Goin' down the old mine with a
Transistor radio

Standin' in a sunlit lane
Hidin' 'hind a rainbow's wall
Slippin' and a slidin' yeah
All along the waterfall
It was you my brown eyed girl
You my brown eyed girl

Do you remember when
We used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da

So hard to find my way
Now that I'm on my own
Thought about it just the other day
My, where'd the times all gone

Can't remember back then Lord
Sometimes I'm overcome thinkin' 'bout
Makin' love in the green grass
Uh behind the stadium
With you my brown eyed girl
You my brown eyed girl

Do you remember when
We used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da Yeah
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da Oh oh oh oh
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da Oh oh oh oh
Sha la la la la la la la la la la ti da

dimecres, d’agost 29, 2007

La devallada

Comença el meu cicle de posts amb tags com asco, universitat i motivació... Cada vegada queda menys pel pitjor examen i amb lo bé que va l'estiu em costa molt tancar-me a casa a estudiar... però és el que hi ha.

Esperem que tot vagi .

Avui poso una cançó d'un paio que he trobat a les Indie/Rock Playlist concretament la d'aquest mes :) és un cantautor i es diu Chuck Ragan.

For Broken Ears - Chuck Ragan

Where are the ones who carry the guns to the far away lands with the blackened suns from the smokened narrow minds.
The half-truth trails and the holy lies of an empty heart and overflowing mouth, a plastic smile and a cowards frown.
Reprecussions come around when the word named free burns to the ground somehow.

Where are thh deaf and where are the dumb from the side of the tracks where no reason comes from and the tables never bare.
The water runs and momma's always there so separates the world from the with such words and such words would cause a shot heard round the world.
A justice that never hurt at all.

So down down down like a ball of flames, to the rotten core filling up with names of hypocrites what a massive list, don't exclude yourself from it.
Don't compromise administration lies carried out and covered up with time, carried out and turned around to shine.
High on a pedestal of broken lies.

The passion speaks loud for itself falls on broken ears and off the value shelf into the dirt left to the wind.
Coming up strong ready to begin to obliterate the word from the start with such ideas come and such ideas cause a spark that will set a blaze and leave the embers red until the end of days.

Where are the ones who carry the guns to the far away lands with the blackened suns from the smokened narrow minds.
The half-truth trails and the holy lies of an empty heart and overflowing mouth, a plastic smile and a cowards frown.
Reprecussions come around when the word named free burns to the ground somehow.

dissabte, d’agost 25, 2007


Aquest serà el meu últim cap de setmana abans de la clausura total per poder estudiar... Necessito música amb ritme! a punt per sortir :D Aquest grup (OK Go) són genials :D tenen molt ritme i els videoclips són la hòstia! A més es treballen unes coreografies bèsties.

Podia haver posat alguna altra cançó, però potser aquesta és la que m'ha fet moure més :) Ja en posaré d'altres més endavant...

Do What You Want - OK Go

So you were born in an electrical storm,
Took a bite out the sun
And saw your future in a machine built for two
Now your rays make me kind of go crazy,
Shock and awe and amaze me,
Just a ticker tape parade and me,
But something was wrong 'til you tap danced on the air, in the night.

Screaming at the top of your lungs, you said,
"Come on, come on, come on.
Do what you want.
What could go wrong?
Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on,
Do what you want.
Oh come on, come on.
What could go wrong?
Do do do do what you want."

Come on.

Me, I was raised amid the trickle-down days.
I woke up numb in the haze
And saw my future in a machine built for two,
But the light gave me some kind of fright.
How did wrong get so right
And lead me stumbling through the dark of night?
Oh, something was wrong,
But you tap danced on the air, in the night,
Screaming at the top of your lungs you said,
"Come on, come on.
Do what you want.
What could go wrong?
Come on, come on, come on, come on, do what you want.
Oh, come on, come on.
What could go wrong?
Do do do do what you want."

Come on.

dimecres, d’agost 22, 2007

Un dia gris

Ahir feia dia Interpol, aprofitant que també han tret un nou cd :), encara que la cançó que poso no és nova. La lletra és molt senzilla però crec que és la que cal amb un dia com el d'ahir.

Untitled - Interpol

Surprise, sometimes, will come around
Surprise, sometimes, will come around
I will surprise you sometime, I'll come around
Oh, I will surprise you sometime, I'll come around
when you're down

dimecres, d’agost 15, 2007

Pels bons moments

Aquesta cançó em fa pensar en tots els bons moments que he passat al llarg dels estius; de festa, amb la colla, a la platja, ... Per tot aquests moments i per tots els que vindran!

Someday - The Strokes

In many ways they'll miss the good old days
It hurts to say but I want you to stay
When we was young, oh man did we have fun
Promises they break before they're made

My ex says i'm lacking in depth
I will do my best
You say you want to stay by my side
Darling your head's not right
I see alone we stand, together we fall apart
Yeah I think i'll be alright
I'm working so I won't have to try so hard
Tables they turn sometimes

Oh someday...
I ain't wasting no more time

Trying, trying...

And now my fears, they come to me in threes
So I
They fade, my friend, you say the strangest things
I find
Oh my ex says i'm lacking in depth
Say I will try my best
You say you wanna stand by my side
Darling your head's not right
You see alone we stand, together we fall apart
Yeah I think i'll be alright
I'm working so I won't have to try so hard
Tables they turn sometimes
Oh someday...
I ain't wasting no more time

dilluns, d’agost 13, 2007


The Distance - Dntel

when we sat in evenings
counting up the seconds
between the thunder and the lightning
trying to find the distance
the space between what we feel
and what we see
like the distance coming between you and me

so don't be long
don't be long

all we murder and confetti
our science in the holy ghost
the space between is spread and getting strong
distance only grows so don't be long

so don't be long
don't be long

line between getting air and getting gone
these lines get distorted so don't be long

and if youre going
count the seconds up
count the seconds up for me
don't be long

diumenge, d’agost 12, 2007

Pels freaks ;-)

Posant el mode aleatori del reproductor m'ha sortit aquesta cançó... Bonita coincidencia :P i com que tots som una mica freaks a la nostra manera... aquesta cançó va per vosaltres :D

Underdogs - Manic Street Preachers

This one's for the freaks.
For you're so beautiful.
For all the devotion.
Written in your soul.

This one's for the freaks.
For the lost and weak.
For the butterflies and devotees
and the disciples of our destiny.

And like the underdogs we are.
Shining bright but now disappeared.
And like the underdogs we are.
Passing like some fading stars.
Like some fading stars.

This one's for the freaks.
The beaten down and crushed.
The shy and withdrawn.
Or just out of touch.

May you stay like freaks.
May you make mistakes.
May your will never break.
For underdogs revenge is sweet.
Revenge is sweet.

And like the underdogs we are.
Shining bright but now disappeared.
And like the underdogs we are.
Passing like some fading stars.
Like some fading stars.

This one's for the freaks.
This one's for the freaks.
People like you, need to fuck.
Need to fuck people like me.
This one's for the freaks.
For the lost and weak.
This one's for the freaks.

El videoclip és una animació que trobo genial no és l'original (que tampoc he trobat)

divendres, d’agost 10, 2007

Divendres! com sempre?

Bueno, ja tornem a ser divendres... ue! però això també vol dir que cada vegada s'acosta més un tema pendent que tinc amb la universitat...
Avui posaré una cançó d'un grup que es diu Feist, que em va arribar fa poc a les mans :)
Per aquelles coses de la vida, feia uns dies havíem anat a un festival de curts al mas sorrer. El curt que em va agrada més va ser un que es deia Big Girl, i quan acaba sonava una cançó que estava molt bé, i ja vam dir que havíem de trobar de qui era, que tenia molt bona pinta. I per aquestes casualitats de la vida, em vaig descarregar un àlbum, el 'Let it Die' on hi ha aquesta cançó:

Mushaboom - Feist

Helping the kids out of their coats
But wait the babies haven't been born
Unpacking the bags and setting up
And planting lilacs and buttercups

But in the meantime I've got it hard
Second floor living without a yard
It may be years until the day
My dreams will match up with my pay

Old dirt road
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Knee deep snow
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow old
(Mushaboom mushaboom)

I got a man to stick it out
And make a home from a rented house
And we'll collect the moments one by one
I guess that's how the future's done

How many acres how much light
Tucked in the woods and out of sight
Talk to the neighbors and tip my cap
On a little road barely on the map

Old dirt road
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Knee deep snow
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow old
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Old dirt road rambling rose
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow old
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Well I'm sold

dimarts, de juliol 31, 2007

Simplement... imaginar...

Fa molt que no escrivia al bloc (ho sé), però és que he tingut canvis en la vida, la majoria bons ;-). Fa 3 setamanes que he començat a treballar, una feina que està molt bé i a més m'agrada!

Doncs avui tornant de la feina, a la ràdio han posat Just my imagination i he pensat que feia molt que no escrivia aquí... i que no hi havia cap cançó millor que aquesta per tornar-hi :)

Just My Imagination - The Cranberries

There was a game we used to play
We would hit the town on friday night
And stay in bed until sunday
We used to be so free
We were living for the love we had and
Living not for reality

It was just my imagination (x3)
There was a time I used to pray
I have always kept my faith in love
It’s the greatest thing from the man above
The game I used to play
I’ve always put my cards upon the table
Let it never be said that I’d be unstable

It was just my imagination (x3)

There is a game I like to play
I like to hit the town on friday night
And stay in bed until sunday
We’ll always be this free
We will be living for the love we have
Living not for reality

It’s not my imagination (x3)
Not my (x18)

diumenge, de juliol 08, 2007

Un dia llarg

Everybody Hurts - R.E.M.

When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
when you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.
Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
if you feel like letting go, (hold on)
when you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.

Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
when you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.

Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)
(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)

dissabte, de juliol 07, 2007

I per què?

No, no sóc la Mònica Terribes :P, avui em preguntava moltes coses... i justament he vist l'anunci d'una companyia de telefonia mòbil... i he buscat quina era aquesta cançó! Finalment l'he trobat a aquesta web :) i és un duet que es diu Ditty Bops!

Wishful Thinking - Ditty Bops

Why does blood turn brown when it dries?
Why do the tears well up in your eyes?
Why didn't I learn to ride my bike
When it was warm and sunny outside?

Why can't little kids tie their shoes?
Why can't the white people play the blues?
Why can't I fall in love with you?
It must be because of the seasons.

When the leaves start falling from the trees,
When the birds start flirting with the bees,
When the wind starts blowing from the East to the West;
Maybe you'll be the one that I like best.

Clouds start forming I can't complain,
'Cause I think we might be in need of some rain.
When it starts pouring
Don't hide away without me.

I bought an umbrella big enough for two,
But it feels pretty empty under here without you.
Dry as a bone but I'm still alone
I'm so grey..

When you're standing in a puddle with wet feet;
And your head is sore from pounding drops of sleet.
When the cold and lonely hours put your heart to the test..
Maybe I'll be the one that you like best.

If the sky can open its eyes
And cry from up above..
Let's shed some tears of joy
And fall in love.

divendres, de juliol 06, 2007

Una altre etapa

Finalment, avui estic recollint les coses del pis, i definitivament no m'agrada... no m'agrada deixar-ho ara, però també tinc ganes de tornar a Girona.
Sé que no és un adéu per sempre, però només de deixar la meva habitació pràcticament buida em fa venir una sensació de tristor :( Però bé les coses són així, i només queda mirar endavant i agafar ganes per aquesta nova etapa!

Aquests últims dies he insistit en que m'estava agradant cada cop més Barcelona, i potser és aquesta obligació d'haver de marxar i que sé que durant un temps no hi tornaré a viure com ho he fet fins ara el que em fa veure les coses bones que té i les coses que no podré fer. Espero que al marxar jo Barcelona també em trobi a faltar, ni que sigui una mica, i que quan torni res hagi canviat :)

Capturing Moods - Rilo Kiley

Moods don’t command you if you don’t know what you’re going through.
There’s love for you up where the population grows.
There’s friendly people in cities too, just ask them where they are going to.
There’s life and work up where the clouds meet the snow.

And I don’t mind waiting….

I’m always one step ahead of you if you don’t know what you’re going through.
There’s laughs and fun up where the conversation flows.
And I don’t mind waiting if it takes a long, long time.
I don’t mind braving the coldest winter of our time.
I don’t mind racing through our goodbyes.

This is your last line of defense.
You could sell your baseball cards just to pay your rent, yeah.

I don’t mind waiting if it takes a long, long time.
And I don’t mind wasting the best years of our lives.
And I don’t mind racing through our goodbyes.

El videoclip no és l'original, però tb està molt ben trobat :)

dijous, de juliol 05, 2007

Fins aviat!

Ahir a la nit, última reunió de grup com a gauvid :P realment aquest últim any ha sigut genial, treballar amb vosatres, fer bromes, riure, passa l'estona... i això s'ha acabat, ja no hi haurà l'estrés d'anar a últim moment, d'entregar les coses segons abans de tancar el plaç, d'estar mil hores davant de l'ordinador redactant crap obligatori...
Tot acaba, però espero que per començar una etapa millor :) i com vam dir ahir... ja farem més sopars, encara que això sempre es diu, espero que sigui veritat!

Pròxima parada: Festa Major l'Esquirol!

Bluebells - Patrick Wolf

Lucy, remember
The smell of that fall
The fires of fungus
And the rotting leaves

I fell off the wagon
Into your arms
Into this long month of sundays

And you were my husband
My wife, my heroine
Now this is our final December

Now deep in a forest
Losing all though of spring
And nothing can help me remember
And I'm going nowhere fast
A darker day has hold at last
Deep in this dream I let the compass keep spinning

And your love has come too late
Away from the garden gate
Wake me up when the blue bells are ringing

How can it be over after all that we had
A river runs through the rafters down, down, down
Does it leave me sleeping? Dreaming only of spring
The phone rings out and I remember
But I'm going nowhere fast
A darker day has hold at last
Deep in this dream I let the compass keep spinning

And your love has come too late
Now wave to the garden gate
Wake me up when the blue bells are ringing
Ringing, ringing, ringing
Wanna hear them ringing, my love
Wanna hear them ringing

dimecres, de juliol 04, 2007

Primer dels últims dies

Doncs avui he tornat a Barcelona, tampoc he arribat molt aviat... però bueno la qüestió ha sigut que un cop aquí no tenia res a fer :'( sabia que hi havia un bon concert a l'Apolo de TV On The Radio, però costava 24€.

Per això i per altres coses poso aquesta cançó :)

Wolf Like Me - Tv On The Radio

Say say my playmate
wont you lay hands on me
mirror my lady
transfer my tragedy

Got a curse i cannot lift
shines when the sunset shifts
when the moon is round and full
gotta bust that box gotta gut that fish

My mind's aflame

We could jet in a stolen car
but i bet we wouldnt get too far
before the transformation takes
and bloodlust tanks and
crave gets slaked

My mind has changed
my bodys frame but god i like it
my hearts aflame
my bodys strained but god i like it

My mind has changed
my bodys frame but god i like it
my hearts aflame
my bodys strained but god i like it

Charge me your day rate
ill turn you out in kind
when the moon is round and full
gonna teach you tricks that'll blow your mind
mongrel mind
baby doll i recognize
you're a hideous thing inside
if ever there were a lucky kind it's
you you you you

I know its strange another way to get to know you
you'll never know unless we go so let me show you
i know its strange another way to get to know you
we've got till noon here comes the moon
so let it show you
show you now

Dream me oh dreamer
down to the floor
open my hands and let them
weave onto yours

Feel me, completer
down to my core
open my heart and let it
bleed onto yours

Feeding on fever
down all fours
show you what all that
howl is for

Hey hey my playmate
let me lay waste to thee
burned down their hanging trees
it's hot here hot here hot here hot here

Got a curse we cannot lift
shines when the sunshine shifts
there's a curse comes with a kiss
the bite that binds the gift that gives

now that we got gone for good
writhing under your riding hood
tell your gra'ma and your mama too
it's true
we're howling forever

dilluns, de juliol 02, 2007

Cap a bcn, última setmana?

Última setmana a Barcelona, tancar temes, veure la gent... i dir adeu a la ciutat. Sé que no m'he portat bé amb tu (ciutat)... tot lo dolent que he dit, i ara no marxaria... però les coses van així :) i he descobert una visió nova de tu, que m'ha agradat ;-) no es descarta tornar en un futur!

Blankest Year - Nada Surf

Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party
Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party

I had the blankest year
I saw life turn into a T.V. show
It was totally weird
The person I knew I didn't really know

Time don't move
We're the only ones who do
Bendin' reason
'Cause its all we hold on to

I had the blankest year
I saw life turn into a T.V. show
It was totally weird
The person I knew I didn't really know

And I was lonely
Thank god the band's doing well
But you don't own me
I'd like to return this spell
'Cause it's not my size
And your lies are so much bigger than my lies
And your ties are made of things that shouldn't be ties

Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party
Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party
Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party

dissabte, de juny 30, 2007

lliure, libre, askea, free, frei, libero, livre, 免费, 自由, 자유로운, бесплатно, حر

He acabat!

The Magic Position - Patrick Wolf

So let the people talk
This Monday morning walk
Right past the fabulous mess we're in
It's gonna be a beautiful day
So do the bluebirds say
As I take your hand
And you take my kiss
And I take the world

'Cause out of all the people I've known
The places I've been
The songs that I have sung
The wonders I've seen
Now that the dreams are all coming true
Who is the one that leads me on through?

It's you
Who puts me in the magic position, darling now
You've put me in the magic position
To live, to learn, to love in the major key

And I know how you've hurt
And been dragged through the dirt
But come on get back up
It's the time to live
So give your love to me
I'm gonna keep it carefully
So deep in the treasure chest below my breast

'Cause out of all the people I've known
The places I've been
The songs that I have sung
The wonders I've seen
Now that the dreams are all coming true
Who is the one that leads me on through?

It's you
Who puts me in the magic position, darling now
You've put me in the magic position, darling so
Let me put you in the magic position, darling 'cause
I'm singing in the, the major key

Let me put you in the major key

divendres, de juny 29, 2007

Ja no queda res!

Doncs això! només queden 8h per ser lliures! a les 19:00h a l'aula 103 de l'Edifici de França de l'Universitat Pompeu Fabra farem la presentació del Projecte Final de Carrera! estem nerviooooosos, només puc posar això:

The Final Countdown - Europe

Were leaving together,
But still its farewell
And maybe well come back,
To earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
Were leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again?

Its the final countdown...

Were heading for venus and still we stand tall
Cause maybe theyve seen us and welcome us all
With so many light years to go and things to be found
Im sure that well all miss her so.

dimecres, de juny 27, 2007

L'últim examen!

Estic a la biblioteca repassant per l'últim examen del que serà la meva carrera :P (bueno després tinc una cosa pendent... jiji però això ja serà al setembre)
Doncs va! que queda un ai senyor!
Aquesta cançó no me la puc treure del cap!!!

Rebelion (Lies) - The Arcade Fire

Sleeping is giving in,
no matter what the time is.
Sleeping is giving in,
so lift those heavy eyelids.

People say that you'll die
faster than without water.
But we know it's just a lie,
scare your son, scare your daughter.

People say that your dreams
are the only things that save ya.
Come on baby in our dreams,
we can live our misbehavior.

Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes
Every time you close your eyes

People try and hide the night
underneath the covers.
People try and hide the light
underneath the covers.

Come on hide your lovers
underneath the covers,
come on hide your lovers
underneath the covers.

Hidin' from your brothers
underneath the covers,
come on hide your lovers
underneath the covers.

People say that you'll die
faster than without water,
but we know it's just a lie,
scare your son, scare your daughter,
Scare your son, scare your daughter.
Scare your son, scare your daughter.

Now here's the sun, it's alright!
(Lies, lies!)
Now here's the moon, it's alright!
(Lies, lies!)
Now here's the sun, it's alright!
(Lies, lies!)
Now here's the moon it's alright
(Lies, lies!)

Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!
Every time you close your eyes
Lies, lies!

Every time you close your eyes

Every time you close your eyes

(Lies, lies!)

dilluns, de juny 25, 2007

Sense ganes d'estudiar...

Ffff, dimecres últim examen!!! però sense gaires ganes d'estudiar... nosé si per què veig que s'està acabant tot i no hi puc fer re. Realment aquest últim any a Barcelona ha sigut el millor :) Molta feina, però molts bons moments.

El vídeo i la lletra no tenen res a veure, ni entre ells ni amb el que he escrit abans xd, però estava escoltant Rilo Kiley i m'he trobat amb la cançó aquesta, que és molt enganxosa :P. Després buscant al youtube aquesta cançó m'he trobat amb una nova estrella :D i he decidit posar el vídeo que havia fet ella mateixa :)

The Frug - Rilo Kiley

And I can do the frug
I can do the Robocop
I can do the Freddie
I cannot do the Smurf
And I can hate your girl
I can tell you that she's real pretty
I can take my clothes off
I cannot fall in love

And I can do the frug
I can do the Robocop
I can do the Freddie
I cannot do the Smurf

And I can watch TV
I can shuffle off the Buffalo
I can do a backbend
I will not call you back
And I can start a book
I can make some mac and cheese
I can sleep twelve hours
You'll never see my eyes

And I can hate your girl
I can tell you that she's real pretty
I can take my clothes off
I cannot fall in love
You'll never see my eyes
I will not call you back
I cannot do the smurf
I cannot fall in love
I'll never fall in love
I cannot fall in love...

divendres, de juny 22, 2007

Un divendres in the city

Va... perquè no em diguin que no he posat cap cançó de la Terra Naomi, posaré la meva preferida :) sí és que com la terra no hi ha ningú :D

Close to your head - Terra Naomi

Today Is A Very Special Day
It Feels Like The Beginning
Of Something More

And We Are Standing On The Edge
Of All That We’ve Imagined
In Lives Before

Keep It Up The Stars Are Close To Your Head Now
It’s Magical Times That We Live In
Keep It Up The Stars Are Close To Your Head Now
It’s Magic I Tell You It’s Happening

My Friends There’s Something In The Air
It’s Not Imagination
I See It Everywhere

A State Impossible To Feign
Suspended Animation
This Hope That We Retain

Keep It Up The Stars Are Close To Your Head Now
It’s Magical Times That We Live In
Keep It Up The Stars Are Close To Your Head Now
It’s Magic I Tell You It’s Happening

Don’t Be Afraid For Us
It’snot Too Late For Us
To Take It Make It Into
We Can Save Us

Keep It Up The Stars Are Close To Your Head Now
It’s Magical Times That We Live In
Keep It Up The Stars Are Close To Your Head Now
It’s Magic I Tell You It’s Happening

dijous, de juny 21, 2007

Cafè! per estudiar tota la nit!

Tot just ara he acabat d'estudiar..., de fet hauria de repassar, la meitat de coses no les tinc clares i l'altre meitat només em sonen :s... sí és que... necessito més cafè!
Avui fent un break en l'estudi hem anat a menjar una hamburguesa al nàvia... i he vist el videoclip de blur! genius!!!

Coffee & TV - Blur

Do you feel like a chain store?
Practically floored
One of many zeros
Kicked around bored
Your ears are full but your empty
Holding out your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are

So give me coffee and tv
Ive seen so much
Im goin blind
And Im braindead virtually
Its hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

Do you go to the country
It isnt very far
Theres people there who will hurt you
Cos of who you are

Your ears are full of the language
Theres wisdom there youre sure
til the words start slurring
And you cant find the door

So give me coffee and tv
Ive seen so much
Im goin blind
And Im braindead virtually
Its hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

So give me coffee and tv
Ive seen so much
Im goin blind
And Im braindead virtually
Its hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again

M'encanta les expressions que va posant el tetabrick! jo de gran vull ser com ell :P

diumenge, de juny 17, 2007

Ja hi soms pel tros

Aquest grup l'he descobert fa poc, però m'encanta, va molt bé per treballar :) relaxa molt! que ja fa falta... només queden dues setmanes (potser les pitjors de la meva vida d'estudiant...) i ja estaré!!! Ja hi soms pel tros!

What Sara Said - Death Cab For Cutie

And it came to me then that every plan
Is a tiny prayer to father time
As I stared at my shoes in the ICU
That reeked of piss and 409
And I rationed my breaths as I said to myself
That I’ve already taken too much today
As each descending peak on the LCD
Took you a little farther away from me
Away from me

Amongst the vending machines and year-old magazines
In a place where we only say goodbye
It stung like a violent wind that our memories depend
On a faulty camera in our minds
And I knew that you were a truth I would rather lose
Than to have never lain beside at all
And I looked around at all the eyes on the ground
As the TV entertained itself

‘Cause there’s no comfort in the waiting room
Just nervous faces bracing for bad news
And then the nurse comes ‘round and everyone lift their heads
But I’m thinking of what Sarah said
That love is watching someone die

So who’s gonna watch you die? So whos gonna watch you die

El vídeo igual una mica gore però està molt ben fet ;-)

divendres, de juny 15, 2007

Ja som divendres!

Stars - Au Revoir Simone

And since we met I simply cannot forget
You are on my mind
Yeah since the day we met
I think I haven't slept
More than an hour at a time

You make wanna measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby
I found a letter that describes how the moonlight will lead me to the distant place that you will be

I don't know how but there's a power
For now, it conveys a subtle mystery
And from my house
As I look out
The stars align

You make wanna measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby
I found a letter that describes how the moonlight will lead me to the distant place that you will be

The open sky
Is mine tonight
It gives a sign
Of what I'll find

The open sky
Is mine tonight
It gives a sign
Of what I'll find

You make wanna measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby
I found a letter that describes how the moonlight will lead me to the distant place that you will be
You make wanna measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby
I found a letter that describes how the moonlight will lead me to the distant place that you will be

El videoclip és un live i la qualitat no és gens bona :( però és l'únic que he trobat...

dijous, de juny 07, 2007

Guions que no es compleixen

Aquesta és una de les cançons que se t'enganxen i no saps per què... el primer cop que l'he escoltat reconec que no m'ha agradat molt... però no sé perquè he hagut de tornar-la a posar... després l'he escoltat com 5 vegades més... m'ha enganxat. :)

De Cine - Erik y Shally

Coincidimos pocas veces pocas tarde y siempre mal
tu diciendo estupideces yo no se como callar
como el trailer de una “peli” que nadie quiere ir ver
tus padres nos aconsejan llegar antes de las 10

Si fuera un policía trabajando en nueva york
moriría al día antes de ser mi jubilación
y si tu fueras la chica de una peli de terror
morirías acuchillada gritando en ropa interior

Escribiste los guiones, tu cheerleader yo empollón
repartiste los papeles yo James Bond tu el Dr. No
La pandilla de los Goonies en la cueva del terror
Yogui y el agente Smith en el parque Yellowstone

Somos como Erik y Shally en un mundo de ficción
el caballero y la bruja a la caza del dragón
pregunte en tu instituto en tu taquilla no estoy yo
intenté entrar en tu cama como Rambo en Saigón

Ahora recuerdo a Bruce Willis en la jungla de cristal
que al final por una tía le salía todo mal
a Mcfly en el Delorian intentado mejorar
una parte de la historia que no se podía cambiar

Déjate de cuentos cuéntame el guión
yo no juego al Béisbol ni soy Indiana Jons
no tengo remedio soy alguien normal
la princesa Leia era mi debilidad

Como en una serie mala entraré por tu balcón
creo que por ser un hispano durare una escena o dos
Sherlock Holmes y Moriarty, Spiderman Y Venom
Lyla y Fry en futurama en la nueva nueva york

Escribiste los guiones tu cheerleader yo empollón
repartiste los papeles yo James Bond tu el Dr. No
pregunté en tu instituto en tu taquilla no estoy yo
intenté entrar en tu cama como Rambo en Saigón

P.D.: Es poden descarregar totes les cançons des de la seva pàgina web a l'apartat canciones. I també des de Jamendo.

dimecres, de juny 06, 2007

A la parra?

She Moves In Her Own Way - The Kooks

So at my show on Monday
I was told that someday
You'd be on your way to better things
It's not about your make-up
Or how you try to shape up
To these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams honey

So now you pour your heart out
You're telling me you're far out
You're all about to lie down for your cause
But you don't pull my strings
Cause I'm a better man
Moving on to better things

But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day

And at the show on Tuesday
She was in her mindset
Tempered firs and spangled boots
Looks are decieving
Making me believe it
And these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams honey, yeah

So won't you go far
Tell me you're a keeper
You're all about to lie down for your cause
Aut you don't pull my strings because
Cause I'm a better man
Moving on to better things

But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day

Yes our wish's that we never made it
Through all the summers
We kept them up instead of
Kicking us back down to the suburbs
Yes our wish's that we never made it
Through all the summers
We kept them up instead of
Kicking us back down to the suburbs

But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day

But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day

dilluns, de juny 04, 2007

Si fos possible

Summer Cat - Billie The Vision & The Dancers

I kissed you good bye at the airport. I held you so close to me. I said ’So here we are now and I can’t stop from crying Lilly’. And you said ’Hey hey hoo, you know this is the way to go. You will forget about me when I’m on that plane. Forget about me when I’m on that plane.’

Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you tonight

The plane took off and my love went with it. The chilly wind whipped my both cheeks hard. And the man next to me said ’Everything is gonna be alright’. I said ’Nothing is gonna be alright, but thank you anyway’. And then I saw your face in the airplane window. I waved my hands and I shouted to you:

Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you tonight

I wore a T-shirt and my worn out hat. Abandoned as a summer cat. And as I stood there as a broken hearted I realized you got the car keys still. So I broke into my own old car. I fell asleep on the passenger seat. I dreamed of summer sex with you and you whispered in my ear:

Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you tonight

Why can’t you leave me tomorrow instead?

And above the clouds she said to her self ’I can’t believe how naive a man can be. That’s why I love you so and that’s why I can’t be with you…’

Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you tonight

Tampoc és un clip oficial, però m'encanta :) i la cançó té bon ritme!

dissabte, de juny 02, 2007

Mil gràcies a tots i totes, sou els millors

Ahir, no m'ho esperava i em vau fer un sopar sorpresa! just a un moment que ho necessitava ;-) què puc demanar més que tenir-vos allà? Sóc molt afortunat!!! :D

Mil gràcies a tots! Gràcies pels regals, el millor de tots... tenir-vos :)

All My Friends - LCD Soundsystem

That's how it starts
We go back to your house
We check the charts
And start to figure it out

And if it's crowded, all the better
Because we know we're gonna be up late
But if you're worried about the weather
Then you picked the wrong place to stay
That's how it starts

And so it starts
You switch the engine on
We set controls for the heart of the sun
one of the ways we show our age

And if the sun comes up, if the sun comes up, if the sun comes up
And I still don't wanna stagger home
Then it's the memory of our betters
That are keeping us on our feet

You spent the first five years trying to get with the plan
And the next five years trying to be with your friends again

You're talking 45 turns just as fast as you can
Teah, I know it gets tired, but it's better when we pretend

It comes apart
The way it does in bad films
Except in parts
When the moral kicks in

Though when we're running out of the drugs
And the conversation's winding away
I wouldn't trade one stupid decision
For another five years of lies

You drop the first ten years just as fast as you can
And the next ten people who are trying to be polite
When you're blowing eighty-five days in the middle of France
Yeah, I know it gets tired only where are your friends tonight?

And to tell the truth
Oh, this could be the last time
So here we go
Like a sail's force into the night

And if I made a fool, if I made a fool, if I made a fool
on the road, there's always this
And if I'm sewn into submission
I can still come home to this

And with a face like a dad and a laughable stand
You can sleep on the plane or review what you said
When you're drunk and the kids leave impossible tasks
You think over and over, "hey, I'm finally dead."

Oh, if the trip and the plan come apart in your hand
Tou look contorted on yourself your ridiculous prop
You forgot what you meant when you read what you said
And you always knew you were tired, but then
Where are your friends tonight?

Where are your friends tonight?
Where are your friends tonight?

If I could see all my friends tonight
If I could see all my friends tonight
If I could see all my friends tonight
If I could see all my friends tonight

dilluns, de maig 28, 2007

Avui... una mica més vell

Ja sé que queda una mica malament que em posi jo mateix el vídeo... però és el que hi ha :P, què millor que amb els beatles :)

diumenge, de maig 27, 2007

Ale ale

No he trobat la lletra... però el videoclip és genial :P a més la música anima una mica... (que ja fa falta)

dijous, de maig 24, 2007


Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden

I'm sitting here in the boring room
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon
I'm wasting my time
I got nothing to do
I'm hanging around
I'm waiting for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder

I'm driving around in my car
I'm driving too fast
I'm driving too far
I'd like to change my point of view
I feel so lonely
I'm waiting for you
But nothing ever happens and I wonder

I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree

I'm sitting here
I miss the power
I'd like to go out taking a shower
But there's a heavy cloud inside my head
I feel so tired
Put myself into bed
Well, nothing ever happens and I wonder

Isolation is not good for me
Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree

I'm steppin' around in the desert of joy
Baby anyhow I'll get another toy
And everything will happen and you wonder

I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree
I'm turning my head up and down
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree
And I wonder, wonder

I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
And all that I can see, and all that I can see, and all that I can see
Is just a yellow lemon-tree

dissabte, de maig 19, 2007

dia gris

Aquesta cançó l'havia sentit moltes vegades, però no sabia de qui era... Típica però genial.

Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand

So if you're lonely
You know I'm here waiting for you
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot away from you
And if you leave here
You leave me broken, shattered, I lie
I'm just a crosshair
I'm just a shot, then we can die

I know I won't be leaving here with you
I say don't you know
You say you don't know
I say... take me out!

I say you don't show
Don't move, time is slow
I say... take me out!

I say you don't know
You say you don't know
I say... take me out!

I know I won't be leaving here (with you)
I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here (with you)
I know I won't be leaving here with you

I say don't you know
You say you don't know
I say...take me out

If I move, this could die
If eyes move, this could die
Come on...take me out

I know I won't be leaving here (with you)
I know I won't be leaving here
I know I won't be leaving here (with you)
I know I won't be leaving here with you

dijous, de maig 17, 2007

Tant lluny...

For Reasons Unknown - The Killers

I pack my case,
I check my face
I look a little bit older,
I look a little bit colder

With One deep breath,
and one big step
I move a little bit closer,
I move a little bit closer

For reasons unknown
I caught my stride,
I flew and flied
I know if destiny's kind
I've got the rest of my mind

But my heart it don't beat
It don't beat the way it used to
And my eyes, they dont see you no more

And my lips they dont kiss
they dont kiss the way they used to
And my eyes dont recognize you no more

For reasons unknown
For reasons unknown

There was an open chair
We sat down in the open chair
I said if destiny's kind
I've got the rest of my mind

But my heart it don't beat
It don't beat the way it used to
And my eyes, they dont see you no more

And my lips they dont kiss
They dont kiss the way they used to
And my eyes dont recognize you at all

For reasons unknown
For reasons unknown

I said my heart, it don't beat
It don't beat the way it used to
And my eyes dont recognize you no more

And my lips they dont kiss
they dont kiss the way they used to
And my eyes dont recognize you no more

For reasons unknown
For reasons unknown
For reasons unknown
For reasons unknown

El vídeo no és l'oficial... però el tiu s'ho ha currat molt :)


Where Is Home? - Bloc Party

Off to the funeral making cola knots
We sit and reminisce about the past and in her voice only sadness her only son taken from her
In every headline we are reminded that this is not home for us
In every headline we are reminded that this is not home for us

Second generation blues or points of view not listened to
Different worlds and different rules of allegiance

Claiming to the bible and a spatula the memory of the way things were
I do not see how I cannot smile I deal with anger all the time

You'll win, what they did to the black men
In every headline we are reminded that this is not home for us
Where is it?
Where is home?
Where is it?
Where is home?

I walk this mountain tired of lunity and belligerence
this told me what a flat wave is getting me down

I want to stamp on the face of every young policeman today
And break the fingers of every old judge to cut off the feet of every ballerina I can

So I decide
I decide
I pretend that there's nothing wrong

The teeth of this world take me home and every day I must ask myself, where, where, where
Where is it?
Where is home?
Where is it?
Where is home?

In every headline we are reminded that this is not home for us
In every headline we are reminded that this is not home for us

diumenge, de maig 13, 2007

Pensar fa venir mal de cap...

Read My Mind - The Killers

On the corner of main street
Just tryin' to keep it in line
You say you wanna move on and
You say I'm falling behind

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

I never really gave up on
Breakin' out of this two-star town
I got the green light
I got a little fight
I'm gonna turn this thing around

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The good old days, the honest man;
The restless heart, the Promised Land
A subtle kiss that no one sees;
A broken wrist and a big trapeze

Oh well I don't mind, you don't mind
Cuz I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you go
Can you read my mind?

It’s funny how you just break down
Waitin' on some sign
I pull up to the front of your driveway
With magic soakin' my spine

Can you read my mind?
Can you read my mind?

The teenage queen, the loaded gun;
The drop dead dream, the Chosen One
A southern drawl, a world unseen;
A city wall and a trampoline

Oh well I don't mind, you don't mind
Cuz I don't shine if you don't shine
Before you go
Tell me what you find when you read my mind

Slippin in my faith until I fall
He never returned that call
Woman, open the door, don't let it stay
I wanna breathe that fire again

She said
Oh well I don't mind, you don't mind
Cuz I don't shine if you don't shine

Put your back on me
Put your back on me
Put your back on me

The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun
Can you read my mind

dissabte, de maig 12, 2007

Dissabte a BCN

The District Sleeps Alone Tonight - The Postal Service

Smeared black ink
Your palms are sweaty.
I'm barely listening
to last demands.

I'm staring at the asphalt wondering
what's buried underneath.

(Where I am)
(Where I am)

I wear my badge.
A vinyl sticker with big block letters
adhering to my chest.

It tells your new friends,
"I am a visitor here."
"I am not permanent."

The only thing
keeping me dry is

It seems so out of context
in this gaudy apartment complex.
A stranger with your door key
Explaining that "I'm just visiting".

I am finally seeing
that I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.

DC sleeps alone tomight.
It seems so out of context
in the gaudy apartment complex.
A stranger with your door key
Explaining that "I'm just visiting".

I am finally seeing
that I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.

The District sleeps alone tonight
after the bars turn out their lights
and send the autos swerving
into the loneliest evening.

I am finally seeing
that I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.

Lletres proveïdes per leoslyrics.com
(Where I am)

I wear my badge.
A vinyl sticker with big block letters
adhering to my chest.

It tells your new friends,
"I am a visitor here."
"I am not permanent."

The only thing
keeping me dry is

It seems so out of context
in this gaudy apartment complex.
A stranger with your door key
Explaining that "I'm just visiting".

I am finally seeing
that I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.

DC sleeps alone tomight.
It seems so out of context
in the gaudy apartment complex.
A stranger with your door key
Explaining that "I'm just visiting".

I am finally seeing
that I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.

The District sleeps alone tonight
after the bars turn out their lights
and send the autos swerving
into the loneliest evening.

I am finally seeing
that I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.
I was the one worth leaving.

dilluns, de maig 07, 2007

A prop teu :)

Closer - Travis

I've had enough, of this parade.
I'm thinking of, the words to say.
We open up, unfinished parts,
Broken up, its so mellow.

And when I see you then I know it will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
Ill never leave you...

Just need to get closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now,
closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now.

Keep waking up (waking up), without you here (without you here).
Another day (another day), another year (another year).
I seek the truth (seek the truth), we set apart (we set apart)
Thingking of a second chance (a second chance).

And when I see you then I know it will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
Ill never leave you...

Just need to get closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now,
closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now (lean on me now).

And when I see you then I know it will be next to me
And when I need you then I know you will be there with me
Ill never leave you...

Just need to be closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now,
closer, closer,
Lean on me now,
Lean on me now (lean of me now).

closer, closer... closer, closer.

dijous, de maig 03, 2007


Better - Regina Spektor

If I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all

Born like sisters to this world
In a town where blood ties are only blood
If you never say your name out loud to anyone
They can never ever call you by it

If I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all

You're getting sadder, getting sadder, getting sadder, getting sadder
And I don't understand, and I don't understand
But if I kiss you where it's sore
If I kiss you where it's sore
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Will you feel better, better, better
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all
Will you feel anything at all
Anything at all...

dimarts, d’abril 24, 2007

You're all I have

You're All I Have - Snow Patrol

Train this chaos turn it into light
I've got to see you one last night
Before the lions take their share
Leave us in pieces, scattered everywhere

Just give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Just give me something to hold onto

It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear cos you are all that I have
It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear cos you are all that I have

You're cinematic razor sharp
A welcome arrow through the heart
Under your skin feels like home
Electric shocks on aching bones

Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Just give me something to hold onto

It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear cos you are all that I have
It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear cos you are all that I have

There is a darkness deep in you
A frightening magic I cling to

Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Give me a chance to hold on
Just give me something to hold onto

It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear now you are all that I have
It's so clear now that you are all that I have
I have no fear now you are all that I have

divendres, de març 30, 2007

S'ha acabat el trimestre, cada cop més lliure!

Doncs sí, ja s'ha acabat el trimestre! cada vegada falta menys per deixar aquesta universitat i poder desconnectar de l'estrés de l'estil d'estudis de la Pompeu.

Ahir vam sortir... i només puc deixar constància amb aquesta cançó :P

The Slow Descent Into Alcoholism - The New Pornographers

I said my
My slow descent
Into alchoholism it went
To my head
Where I really need it
With abuse that remained untreated

I said my my my
My slow descent
Into alcoholism it went

Something like this, ah
Something like this, ah
Something like this, ah

Salvation holdout central
Salvation holdout central
Salvation holdout central

I said my
Ever loosening grip
On the commonest courtesy slipped

From my hands
Where I really need her
When I need change
For the parking meters

I said my my my
My slow descent
Into alcoholism it went

Something like this, ah
Something like this, ah
Something like this, ah

Salvation holdout central
Salvation holdout central
Salvation holdout central
Salvation holdout central