dimecres, d’agost 29, 2007

La devallada

Comença el meu cicle de posts amb tags com asco, universitat i motivació... Cada vegada queda menys pel pitjor examen i amb lo bé que va l'estiu em costa molt tancar-me a casa a estudiar... però és el que hi ha.

Esperem que tot vagi .

Avui poso una cançó d'un paio que he trobat a les Indie/Rock Playlist concretament la d'aquest mes :) és un cantautor i es diu Chuck Ragan.

For Broken Ears - Chuck Ragan

Where are the ones who carry the guns to the far away lands with the blackened suns from the smokened narrow minds.
The half-truth trails and the holy lies of an empty heart and overflowing mouth, a plastic smile and a cowards frown.
Reprecussions come around when the word named free burns to the ground somehow.

Where are thh deaf and where are the dumb from the side of the tracks where no reason comes from and the tables never bare.
The water runs and momma's always there so separates the world from the with such words and such words would cause a shot heard round the world.
A justice that never hurt at all.

So down down down like a ball of flames, to the rotten core filling up with names of hypocrites what a massive list, don't exclude yourself from it.
Don't compromise administration lies carried out and covered up with time, carried out and turned around to shine.
High on a pedestal of broken lies.

The passion speaks loud for itself falls on broken ears and off the value shelf into the dirt left to the wind.
Coming up strong ready to begin to obliterate the word from the start with such ideas come and such ideas cause a spark that will set a blaze and leave the embers red until the end of days.

Where are the ones who carry the guns to the far away lands with the blackened suns from the smokened narrow minds.
The half-truth trails and the holy lies of an empty heart and overflowing mouth, a plastic smile and a cowards frown.
Reprecussions come around when the word named free burns to the ground somehow.

dissabte, d’agost 25, 2007


Aquest serà el meu últim cap de setmana abans de la clausura total per poder estudiar... Necessito música amb ritme! a punt per sortir :D Aquest grup (OK Go) són genials :D tenen molt ritme i els videoclips són la hòstia! A més es treballen unes coreografies bèsties.

Podia haver posat alguna altra cançó, però potser aquesta és la que m'ha fet moure més :) Ja en posaré d'altres més endavant...

Do What You Want - OK Go

So you were born in an electrical storm,
Took a bite out the sun
And saw your future in a machine built for two
Now your rays make me kind of go crazy,
Shock and awe and amaze me,
Just a ticker tape parade and me,
But something was wrong 'til you tap danced on the air, in the night.

Screaming at the top of your lungs, you said,
"Come on, come on, come on.
Do what you want.
What could go wrong?
Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on,
Do what you want.
Oh come on, come on.
What could go wrong?
Do do do do what you want."

Come on.

Me, I was raised amid the trickle-down days.
I woke up numb in the haze
And saw my future in a machine built for two,
But the light gave me some kind of fright.
How did wrong get so right
And lead me stumbling through the dark of night?
Oh, something was wrong,
But you tap danced on the air, in the night,
Screaming at the top of your lungs you said,
"Come on, come on.
Do what you want.
What could go wrong?
Come on, come on, come on, come on, do what you want.
Oh, come on, come on.
What could go wrong?
Do do do do what you want."

Come on.

dimecres, d’agost 22, 2007

Un dia gris

Ahir feia dia Interpol, aprofitant que també han tret un nou cd :), encara que la cançó que poso no és nova. La lletra és molt senzilla però crec que és la que cal amb un dia com el d'ahir.

Untitled - Interpol

Surprise, sometimes, will come around
Surprise, sometimes, will come around
I will surprise you sometime, I'll come around
Oh, I will surprise you sometime, I'll come around
when you're down

dimecres, d’agost 15, 2007

Pels bons moments

Aquesta cançó em fa pensar en tots els bons moments que he passat al llarg dels estius; de festa, amb la colla, a la platja, ... Per tot aquests moments i per tots els que vindran!

Someday - The Strokes

In many ways they'll miss the good old days
It hurts to say but I want you to stay
When we was young, oh man did we have fun
Promises they break before they're made

My ex says i'm lacking in depth
I will do my best
You say you want to stay by my side
Darling your head's not right
I see alone we stand, together we fall apart
Yeah I think i'll be alright
I'm working so I won't have to try so hard
Tables they turn sometimes

Oh someday...
I ain't wasting no more time

Trying, trying...

And now my fears, they come to me in threes
So I
They fade, my friend, you say the strangest things
I find
Oh my ex says i'm lacking in depth
Say I will try my best
You say you wanna stand by my side
Darling your head's not right
You see alone we stand, together we fall apart
Yeah I think i'll be alright
I'm working so I won't have to try so hard
Tables they turn sometimes
Oh someday...
I ain't wasting no more time

dilluns, d’agost 13, 2007


The Distance - Dntel

when we sat in evenings
counting up the seconds
between the thunder and the lightning
trying to find the distance
the space between what we feel
and what we see
like the distance coming between you and me

so don't be long
don't be long

all we murder and confetti
our science in the holy ghost
the space between is spread and getting strong
distance only grows so don't be long

so don't be long
don't be long

line between getting air and getting gone
these lines get distorted so don't be long

and if youre going
count the seconds up
count the seconds up for me
don't be long

diumenge, d’agost 12, 2007

Pels freaks ;-)

Posant el mode aleatori del reproductor m'ha sortit aquesta cançó... Bonita coincidencia :P i com que tots som una mica freaks a la nostra manera... aquesta cançó va per vosaltres :D

Underdogs - Manic Street Preachers

This one's for the freaks.
For you're so beautiful.
For all the devotion.
Written in your soul.

This one's for the freaks.
For the lost and weak.
For the butterflies and devotees
and the disciples of our destiny.

And like the underdogs we are.
Shining bright but now disappeared.
And like the underdogs we are.
Passing like some fading stars.
Like some fading stars.

This one's for the freaks.
The beaten down and crushed.
The shy and withdrawn.
Or just out of touch.

May you stay like freaks.
May you make mistakes.
May your will never break.
For underdogs revenge is sweet.
Revenge is sweet.

And like the underdogs we are.
Shining bright but now disappeared.
And like the underdogs we are.
Passing like some fading stars.
Like some fading stars.

This one's for the freaks.
This one's for the freaks.
People like you, need to fuck.
Need to fuck people like me.
This one's for the freaks.
For the lost and weak.
This one's for the freaks.

El videoclip és una animació que trobo genial no és l'original (que tampoc he trobat)

divendres, d’agost 10, 2007

Divendres! com sempre?

Bueno, ja tornem a ser divendres... ue! però això també vol dir que cada vegada s'acosta més un tema pendent que tinc amb la universitat...
Avui posaré una cançó d'un grup que es diu Feist, que em va arribar fa poc a les mans :)
Per aquelles coses de la vida, feia uns dies havíem anat a un festival de curts al mas sorrer. El curt que em va agrada més va ser un que es deia Big Girl, i quan acaba sonava una cançó que estava molt bé, i ja vam dir que havíem de trobar de qui era, que tenia molt bona pinta. I per aquestes casualitats de la vida, em vaig descarregar un àlbum, el 'Let it Die' on hi ha aquesta cançó:

Mushaboom - Feist

Helping the kids out of their coats
But wait the babies haven't been born
Unpacking the bags and setting up
And planting lilacs and buttercups

But in the meantime I've got it hard
Second floor living without a yard
It may be years until the day
My dreams will match up with my pay

Old dirt road
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Knee deep snow
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow old
(Mushaboom mushaboom)

I got a man to stick it out
And make a home from a rented house
And we'll collect the moments one by one
I guess that's how the future's done

How many acres how much light
Tucked in the woods and out of sight
Talk to the neighbors and tip my cap
On a little road barely on the map

Old dirt road
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Knee deep snow
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow old
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Old dirt road rambling rose
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Watching the fire as we grow old
(Mushaboom mushaboom)
Well I'm sold