dimarts, de juliol 31, 2007

Simplement... imaginar...

Fa molt que no escrivia al bloc (ho sé), però és que he tingut canvis en la vida, la majoria bons ;-). Fa 3 setamanes que he començat a treballar, una feina que està molt bé i a més m'agrada!

Doncs avui tornant de la feina, a la ràdio han posat Just my imagination i he pensat que feia molt que no escrivia aquí... i que no hi havia cap cançó millor que aquesta per tornar-hi :)

Just My Imagination - The Cranberries

There was a game we used to play
We would hit the town on friday night
And stay in bed until sunday
We used to be so free
We were living for the love we had and
Living not for reality

It was just my imagination (x3)
There was a time I used to pray
I have always kept my faith in love
It’s the greatest thing from the man above
The game I used to play
I’ve always put my cards upon the table
Let it never be said that I’d be unstable

It was just my imagination (x3)

There is a game I like to play
I like to hit the town on friday night
And stay in bed until sunday
We’ll always be this free
We will be living for the love we have
Living not for reality

It’s not my imagination (x3)
Not my (x18)

diumenge, de juliol 08, 2007

Un dia llarg

Everybody Hurts - R.E.M.

When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,
when you're sure you've had enough of this life, well hang on.
Don't let yourself go, everybody cries and everybody hurts sometimes.

Sometimes everything is wrong. Now it's time to sing along.
When your day is night alone, (hold on, hold on)
if you feel like letting go, (hold on)
when you think you've had too much of this life, well hang on.

Everybody hurts. Take comfort in your friends.
Everybody hurts. Don't throw your hand. Oh, no. Don't throw your hand.
If you feel like you're alone, no, no, no, you are not alone

If you're on your own in this life, the days and nights are long,
when you think you've had too much of this life to hang on.

Well, everybody hurts sometimes,
everybody cries. And everybody hurts sometimes.
And everybody hurts sometimes. So, hold on, hold on.
Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. (repeat & fade)
(Everybody hurts. You are not alone.)

dissabte, de juliol 07, 2007

I per què?

No, no sóc la Mònica Terribes :P, avui em preguntava moltes coses... i justament he vist l'anunci d'una companyia de telefonia mòbil... i he buscat quina era aquesta cançó! Finalment l'he trobat a aquesta web :) i és un duet que es diu Ditty Bops!

Wishful Thinking - Ditty Bops

Why does blood turn brown when it dries?
Why do the tears well up in your eyes?
Why didn't I learn to ride my bike
When it was warm and sunny outside?

Why can't little kids tie their shoes?
Why can't the white people play the blues?
Why can't I fall in love with you?
It must be because of the seasons.

When the leaves start falling from the trees,
When the birds start flirting with the bees,
When the wind starts blowing from the East to the West;
Maybe you'll be the one that I like best.

Clouds start forming I can't complain,
'Cause I think we might be in need of some rain.
When it starts pouring
Don't hide away without me.

I bought an umbrella big enough for two,
But it feels pretty empty under here without you.
Dry as a bone but I'm still alone
I'm so grey..

When you're standing in a puddle with wet feet;
And your head is sore from pounding drops of sleet.
When the cold and lonely hours put your heart to the test..
Maybe I'll be the one that you like best.

If the sky can open its eyes
And cry from up above..
Let's shed some tears of joy
And fall in love.

divendres, de juliol 06, 2007

Una altre etapa

Finalment, avui estic recollint les coses del pis, i definitivament no m'agrada... no m'agrada deixar-ho ara, però també tinc ganes de tornar a Girona.
Sé que no és un adéu per sempre, però només de deixar la meva habitació pràcticament buida em fa venir una sensació de tristor :( Però bé les coses són així, i només queda mirar endavant i agafar ganes per aquesta nova etapa!

Aquests últims dies he insistit en que m'estava agradant cada cop més Barcelona, i potser és aquesta obligació d'haver de marxar i que sé que durant un temps no hi tornaré a viure com ho he fet fins ara el que em fa veure les coses bones que té i les coses que no podré fer. Espero que al marxar jo Barcelona també em trobi a faltar, ni que sigui una mica, i que quan torni res hagi canviat :)

Capturing Moods - Rilo Kiley

Moods don’t command you if you don’t know what you’re going through.
There’s love for you up where the population grows.
There’s friendly people in cities too, just ask them where they are going to.
There’s life and work up where the clouds meet the snow.

And I don’t mind waiting….

I’m always one step ahead of you if you don’t know what you’re going through.
There’s laughs and fun up where the conversation flows.
And I don’t mind waiting if it takes a long, long time.
I don’t mind braving the coldest winter of our time.
I don’t mind racing through our goodbyes.

This is your last line of defense.
You could sell your baseball cards just to pay your rent, yeah.

I don’t mind waiting if it takes a long, long time.
And I don’t mind wasting the best years of our lives.
And I don’t mind racing through our goodbyes.

El videoclip no és l'original, però tb està molt ben trobat :)

dijous, de juliol 05, 2007

Fins aviat!

Ahir a la nit, última reunió de grup com a gauvid :P realment aquest últim any ha sigut genial, treballar amb vosatres, fer bromes, riure, passa l'estona... i això s'ha acabat, ja no hi haurà l'estrés d'anar a últim moment, d'entregar les coses segons abans de tancar el plaç, d'estar mil hores davant de l'ordinador redactant crap obligatori...
Tot acaba, però espero que per començar una etapa millor :) i com vam dir ahir... ja farem més sopars, encara que això sempre es diu, espero que sigui veritat!

Pròxima parada: Festa Major l'Esquirol!

Bluebells - Patrick Wolf

Lucy, remember
The smell of that fall
The fires of fungus
And the rotting leaves

I fell off the wagon
Into your arms
Into this long month of sundays

And you were my husband
My wife, my heroine
Now this is our final December

Now deep in a forest
Losing all though of spring
And nothing can help me remember
And I'm going nowhere fast
A darker day has hold at last
Deep in this dream I let the compass keep spinning

And your love has come too late
Away from the garden gate
Wake me up when the blue bells are ringing

How can it be over after all that we had
A river runs through the rafters down, down, down
Does it leave me sleeping? Dreaming only of spring
The phone rings out and I remember
But I'm going nowhere fast
A darker day has hold at last
Deep in this dream I let the compass keep spinning

And your love has come too late
Now wave to the garden gate
Wake me up when the blue bells are ringing
Ringing, ringing, ringing
Wanna hear them ringing, my love
Wanna hear them ringing

dimecres, de juliol 04, 2007

Primer dels últims dies

Doncs avui he tornat a Barcelona, tampoc he arribat molt aviat... però bueno la qüestió ha sigut que un cop aquí no tenia res a fer :'( sabia que hi havia un bon concert a l'Apolo de TV On The Radio, però costava 24€.

Per això i per altres coses poso aquesta cançó :)

Wolf Like Me - Tv On The Radio

Say say my playmate
wont you lay hands on me
mirror my lady
transfer my tragedy

Got a curse i cannot lift
shines when the sunset shifts
when the moon is round and full
gotta bust that box gotta gut that fish

My mind's aflame

We could jet in a stolen car
but i bet we wouldnt get too far
before the transformation takes
and bloodlust tanks and
crave gets slaked

My mind has changed
my bodys frame but god i like it
my hearts aflame
my bodys strained but god i like it

My mind has changed
my bodys frame but god i like it
my hearts aflame
my bodys strained but god i like it

Charge me your day rate
ill turn you out in kind
when the moon is round and full
gonna teach you tricks that'll blow your mind
mongrel mind
baby doll i recognize
you're a hideous thing inside
if ever there were a lucky kind it's
you you you you

I know its strange another way to get to know you
you'll never know unless we go so let me show you
i know its strange another way to get to know you
we've got till noon here comes the moon
so let it show you
show you now

Dream me oh dreamer
down to the floor
open my hands and let them
weave onto yours

Feel me, completer
down to my core
open my heart and let it
bleed onto yours

Feeding on fever
down all fours
show you what all that
howl is for

Hey hey my playmate
let me lay waste to thee
burned down their hanging trees
it's hot here hot here hot here hot here

Got a curse we cannot lift
shines when the sunshine shifts
there's a curse comes with a kiss
the bite that binds the gift that gives

now that we got gone for good
writhing under your riding hood
tell your gra'ma and your mama too
it's true
we're howling forever

dilluns, de juliol 02, 2007

Cap a bcn, última setmana?

Última setmana a Barcelona, tancar temes, veure la gent... i dir adeu a la ciutat. Sé que no m'he portat bé amb tu (ciutat)... tot lo dolent que he dit, i ara no marxaria... però les coses van així :) i he descobert una visió nova de tu, que m'ha agradat ;-) no es descarta tornar en un futur!

Blankest Year - Nada Surf

Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party
Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party

I had the blankest year
I saw life turn into a T.V. show
It was totally weird
The person I knew I didn't really know

Time don't move
We're the only ones who do
Bendin' reason
'Cause its all we hold on to

I had the blankest year
I saw life turn into a T.V. show
It was totally weird
The person I knew I didn't really know

And I was lonely
Thank god the band's doing well
But you don't own me
I'd like to return this spell
'Cause it's not my size
And your lies are so much bigger than my lies
And your ties are made of things that shouldn't be ties

Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party
Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party
Oh, fuck it
I'm gonna have a party