Stars - Au Revoir Simone
And since we met I simply cannot forget
You are on my mind
Yeah since the day we met
I think I haven't slept
More than an hour at a time
You make wanna measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby
I found a letter that describes how the moonlight will lead me to the distant place that you will be
I don't know how but there's a power
For now, it conveys a subtle mystery
And from my house
As I look out
The stars align
You make wanna measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby
I found a letter that describes how the moonlight will lead me to the distant place that you will be
The open sky
Is mine tonight
It gives a sign
Of what I'll find
The open sky
Is mine tonight
It gives a sign
Of what I'll find
You make wanna measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby
I found a letter that describes how the moonlight will lead me to the distant place that you will be
You make wanna measure stars in the backyard with a calculator and a ruler baby
I found a letter that describes how the moonlight will lead me to the distant place that you will be
1 comentaris:
Eduarrrrdo, que rima con narrrdo!
Ya somos vierness síi ajaja, bueno sábado. Però encara ens queda una miketa de feina per fer.. la setmana que ve serem lliures, al fiiin ;)
Va, que és la recta final, sb per tu que akest estiu tanques una era; acabes la carrera titi!!!
Bueno rei, ja ho saps tot.. però mai penso que es pot escriure per aki!
Va, que hi sóc pel que vulguis. MUAKISSSSSSSSSSS ciruelo!
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