diumenge, de gener 27, 2008

Fa sol! (encara que hauria de ploure...)

Doncs sí! fot un sol boníssim, llàstima que ara no sigui tant temps de sol i més temps de pluja. Una pluja que ens fa falta i que encara que no ens agradi que plogui és molt necessària.

Però ja que no podem decidir quin temps fa... més val aprofitar el que tenim! i amb aquest temps el millor és fer coses i no parar mai! Ahir mateix vam anar a apendre a fer iglús :D i d'aquí un mes hi tornem, però aquesta vegada hi passarem la nit (oohhohhh)

Avui també un gran bon dia! uns quants a escalar, d'altres d'excursió, i jo al final m'he aixecat i al veure aquest solet he anat a pedalar una mica.

La cançó que poso avui, la trobo molt alegre, fa despertar algu adins teu que et fa venir ganes de fer coses ;-)

El grup es diu Mando Diao, i com molts grups, tenen cançons que estan molt bé i d'altres que no tant, però en general molt recomanable

Song For Aberdeen - Mando Diao

She was an alcoholic artist
With too much makeup round her eyes
And I never knew her real name
She was sunbeam wrapped in lies
But I love her and I'm sorry
And that's all there is to say
It's like a fairy from the ancient time
And I hope it,
I hope it stays that way

And when I woke up on your kitchen floor
With a headache made in hell
And the flowers that I gave you
Smiled at me from the window pane
Then I thought I must be crazy
'Cause I'm feeling kind of good
And then when satan helped me up again
It was then I,
It was then I understood

Well I was never meant to be the good boy
I was never meant to go to school
Well it's guys like me who get somewhere
'Cause everybody pity a fool
Now it's payback for the rainy days
Now it's no more me and you
Well I got mine you got yours babe
Now it's payback
Now it's me against the world

Baby, it was the last time I forgave you
Oh, it was the last time I forgave you
Baby, it was the last time I forgave you
Oh, it was the last time I forgave you
Baby, it was the last time I forgave you
Baby, it was the last time I forgave you
Oh, it was the last time I forgave you
Oh, it was the last time I forgave you

dimarts, de gener 22, 2008

Amb uns altres ulls

Avui estic molt cansat... i no pas pel rocòdrom :P que pobre de mi... he començat sense escalfar i la primera pujada que faig va i em faig mal al braç! cagumlou! amb el mono que tenia i lo poc que hi he estat :'(

Però bé, el post ja va d'això, amb la calma ja es farà tot, i sino es fa senyal que no era el que s'havia de fer.

Aquesta cançó m'ha sonat mentres estava treballant, i he parat durant tota l'estona que sonava, m'he quedat completament parat, nosé què és el que té, però em recomforta cada vegada que l'escolto.

Lowlife - Scanners

I know your not ready to live
Are you ready to die
Under your skin under your skin under skin
Is a regular guy

You lost your hold
You didn't know
This is a low

Everything that was important to me
Didn't matter to you
And you didn't try didn't try to get in bed with me
When I turn my back you were with someone new

You lost your soul
You didn't know
This is a low, this is a low

This is low this is low life
A world where people walk by night
So by day an average man
But night time brings the creature from the can
Sometimes you scream out loud
But there's always safety from the crowd
You're not alone you're not alone you know

This is a low, this is a low, this is a lonely time a lonely time

Its like my skin, turned inside out
And there's no silver here in this cloud
It's like a love that's turning sour
Its letting go
This is a low

dissabte, de gener 12, 2008

L'aigua ho aclareix tot

Doncs sí, ahir potser estava una mica decaigut... però aquest matí m'he aixecat i he decidit anar a fer unes piscines. Ha anat bé perquè descarregues tensions i aclareixes una mica el cap :)

Doncs res... que una mala estona al té tothom, no passa re! :D

Avui posaré un grup, mai tan ben dit, ja que són una orquestra o coral :P..., Els The Polyphonic Spree, que fan una mena de indie-rock i enganxen molt. La cançó és una versió de la Lithium de Nirvana.

Lithium - The Polyphonic Spree

I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends, they're in my head
I'm so ugly, that's OK
'Cause so are you, broke our mirrors
Sunday mornin' is every day
For all I care and I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze
'Cause I've found God


I'm so lonely, that's OK
I shaved my head and I'm not sad
And just maybe I'm to blame
For all I've heard but I'm not sure
I'm so excited, I can't wait
To meet you there and I don't care
I'm so horny, that's OK
My will is good


I like it, I'm not gonna crack
I miss you, I'm not gonna crack
I love you, I'm not gonna crack
I kill you, I'm not gonna crack
I like it, I'm not gonna crack
I miss you, I'm not gonna crack
I love you, I'm not gonna crack
I kill you, I'm not gonna

I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends, they're in my head
I'm so ugly, that's OK
'Cause so are you, broke our mirrors
Sunday mornin' is every day
For all I care and I'm not scared
Light my candles in a daze
'Cause I've found God


I like it, I'm not gonna crack
I miss you, I'm not gonna crack
I love you, I'm not gonna crack
I kill you, I'm not gonna crack
I like it, I'm not gonna crack
I miss you, I'm not gonna crack
I love you, I'm not gonna crack
I kill you, I'm not gonna

Aquest vídeo no és l'original, és d'algun il·luminat :P, per aquí els podeu veure en directe!

divendres, de gener 11, 2008

Fa trist temps

Sí, a més de fer mal temps el fa trist :)

The Great Escape - Patrick Watson

Bad day, looking for a way
Oh, looking for the great escape
Gets in his car and drives away
Far from all the things that we are
Puts on a smile and breaths it in and breaths it out
He says bye-bye, bye to all of the noise
Oh he says bye-bye bye to all of the noise

Hey child, things are looking down,
That’s OK you don’t need to win anyways
Don’t be afraid just eat up all the gray
and it will fade away
Don’t let yourself fall down

Bad day, looking for the great escape
He says bad day, looking for the great escape
On a bad day, looking for the great escape
Great escape

dijous, de gener 03, 2008

Ja he vist nevar!

Doncs sí! avui mentres estava treballant a la muntanya... he vist com començaven a caure volves de neu :D Ara ja ha parat... i ha plogut i no ha quedat ni rastre de la neu que ha caigut... però ja he vist la primera nevada de l'any!

Avui posaré una cançó d'un grup que em té el cor robat, sobretot la leonor :D~ aquests, són marlango.

Hold me tight - Marlango

How high, how high, how high will I go this time?
How hard, how hard, how hard will I fall this time?
How sweet, how slow, how hard, how warm?
How high, how high are we gonna go this time?

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

How fast, how fast, can you run away from me?
How far, how long can I keep away from you?
How fast, how far, how high, how hard?
How far, how far are we gonna go this time?

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

How hollow, how high, how clear will you sigh this time?
How long, how strong, how load will I cut this time?
How sweet, how slow, how hard, how warm?
How fast, how far, how high will we go this time?

Hold me tight
Hold me tight

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, high, high, hard, hard…
Hold me tight this time
How, how, how hard will you come this time?