dimecres, d’agost 15, 2007

Pels bons moments

Aquesta cançó em fa pensar en tots els bons moments que he passat al llarg dels estius; de festa, amb la colla, a la platja, ... Per tot aquests moments i per tots els que vindran!

Someday - The Strokes

In many ways they'll miss the good old days
It hurts to say but I want you to stay
When we was young, oh man did we have fun
Promises they break before they're made

My ex says i'm lacking in depth
I will do my best
You say you want to stay by my side
Darling your head's not right
I see alone we stand, together we fall apart
Yeah I think i'll be alright
I'm working so I won't have to try so hard
Tables they turn sometimes

Oh someday...
I ain't wasting no more time

Trying, trying...

And now my fears, they come to me in threes
So I
They fade, my friend, you say the strangest things
I find
Oh my ex says i'm lacking in depth
Say I will try my best
You say you wanna stand by my side
Darling your head's not right
You see alone we stand, together we fall apart
Yeah I think i'll be alright
I'm working so I won't have to try so hard
Tables they turn sometimes
Oh someday...
I ain't wasting no more time

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Eduarduuu! Aquests són els que també m'agraden una mica a mi no? Els de la cançó "d'en Damià".., no? jajajaja!
Eiiiii, recupera't aviat titi, que has d'estar buenuuu per demà eh que anirem a La Bisbi o a Bordils, fale? I no sé, que aviam si ens veiem més que últimament hem perdut una mica el récord ;)
Un petò neniii, que t'estimuTTTTT, ja ho sapsss :P

Anònim ha dit...

Eduardi!! Com estàs????
Vas bé, o no???? Eiiiii, va, recupera't ehhh!! Marxo dijous, finalment!
Doncs res, que aviam si ens veiem aquesta tarda, no? I no sé... que t'envío un petunàs molt gran, ciruelo!