Ffff, dimecres últim examen!!! però sense gaires ganes d'estudiar... nosé si per què veig que s'està acabant tot i no hi puc fer re. Realment aquest últim any a Barcelona ha sigut el millor :) Molta feina, però molts bons moments.
El vídeo i la lletra no tenen res a veure, ni entre ells ni amb el que he escrit abans xd, però estava escoltant Rilo Kiley i m'he trobat amb la cançó aquesta, que és molt enganxosa :P. Després buscant al youtube aquesta cançó m'he trobat amb una nova estrella :D i he decidit posar el vídeo que havia fet ella mateixa :)
The Frug - Rilo Kiley
And I can do the frug
I can do the Robocop
I can do the Freddie
I cannot do the Smurf
And I can hate your girl
I can tell you that she's real pretty
I can take my clothes off
I cannot fall in love
And I can do the frug
I can do the Robocop
I can do the Freddie
I cannot do the Smurf
And I can watch TV
I can shuffle off the Buffalo
I can do a backbend
I will not call you back
And I can start a book
I can make some mac and cheese
I can sleep twelve hours
You'll never see my eyes
And I can hate your girl
I can tell you that she's real pretty
I can take my clothes off
I cannot fall in love
You'll never see my eyes
I will not call you back
I cannot do the smurf
I cannot fall in love
I'll never fall in love
I cannot fall in love...
I can do the Robocop
I can do the Freddie
I cannot do the Smurf
And I can hate your girl
I can tell you that she's real pretty
I can take my clothes off
I cannot fall in love
And I can do the frug
I can do the Robocop
I can do the Freddie
I cannot do the Smurf
And I can watch TV
I can shuffle off the Buffalo
I can do a backbend
I will not call you back
And I can start a book
I can make some mac and cheese
I can sleep twelve hours
You'll never see my eyes
And I can hate your girl
I can tell you that she's real pretty
I can take my clothes off
I cannot fall in love
You'll never see my eyes
I will not call you back
I cannot do the smurf
I cannot fall in love
I'll never fall in love
I cannot fall in love...
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