Ahir vaig passar una altre nit a Barcelona, reconec el canvi de no agradar-me gens a començar-me a agradar... però sempre en periodes curts (un cap de setmana màxim).
Quan vaig arribar vaig anar a trobar en Pitu, la Laia, la Lali i companyia a un bar on hi havia una noia que explicava contes per adults, la veritat és que em va sorpendre molt!
Després cap a Fontana, per anar a celebrar l'aniversari de la Laieta (FELICITAAATS!) on finalment vam sopar després d'estona de recerca d'un lloc (semblava impossible trobar-ne un!!). Tot seguit a fer el toc i cap el llit que tothom estava trinxat.
Per dormir em vaig posar un grup que feia temps que m'havia recomenat la Sandrix, i que cada vegada m'enganxen més! Es diuen Oi Va Voi.
Don't need another resolution to feel
As though I'm going somewhere
You said you needed me
Or at least that's what I thought
At times the memories seem to be
Knocking at my door
I've seen the film a million times
Feels like I wrote the storyline
I refuse to replay the mistakes
That we made yesterday
I like to think I'm stronger now
Victim of common sense
The truth is that I know
I still confuse the past
With the present-tense
Condensing what we had
To a single frame
That sticks in my mind
As I try to move on
The same image comes back every time
They were yesterday's mistakes
And they were yesterday's mistakes
Yesterday's mistakes
Forgive my selfishness
I'd be grateful if you can
Forget my ingratitude
You think I'm twice the girl I am
They say we should forgive but not forget
What has gone before
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
And they were yesterday's mistakes
Yesterday's mistakes
They were yesterday's mistakes
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
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