Avui posaré una cançó que fa un temps que ja volia posar... des de fa un mes hi ha una mena de va i ve en tot... Deu ser cosa del canvi climàtic (es veu que quan no saps perquè passa una cosa dius això i et quedes tant ample)
Bé la cançó és d'un grup que es diu The Bravery, el clip que poso no té molt mèrit... de fet és la portada de l'àlbum amb la cançó. He triat aquest perquè és el que tenia millor sonoritat, però si voleu veure'ls en directe els podeu veure aquí.
Bad Sun - The Bravery
We are lies like the summertime
like the spring we are such fools
like fall we are the prophets
like winter we are cruel
I don't know what's wrong with us
they just made us this way
There's a hole in you and me
That pulls us together
And I don't know where we belong
I think we grew under a bad sun
I know we're not like everyone
You and me we grew, under a bad sun
Every day you bring me pain
and we savor it like rain
we hold it on our tongues
just like wine
someday back when we were young
I guess something just went wrong
The two of us are hung
from the same twisted rope
And I don't know where we belong
I think we grew under a bad sun
I know we're not like everyone
you and me we grew under a bad sun (2x)
You and me we grew under a bad sun
We are lies like the summertime
like the spring we are such fools
like fall we are the prophets
like winter we are cruel
I don't know what's wrong with us
they just made us this way
There's a hole in you and me
That pulls us together
And I don't know where we belong
I think we grew under a bad sun
I know we're not like everyone
You and me we grew, under a bad sun
Every day you bring me pain
and we savor it like rain
we hold it on our tongues
just like wine
someday back when we were young
I guess something just went wrong
The two of us are hung
from the same twisted rope
And I don't know where we belong
I think we grew under a bad sun
I know we're not like everyone
you and me we grew under a bad sun (2x)
You and me we grew under a bad sun
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