dimarts, de març 25, 2008


Avui poso un cançó que poc s'assembla a la resta (ni en estil, ni en tendències, ni novetat...) simplement trobo que és una cançó genial, que em fa recordar una època en que vivia a Vallcarca (amb la Helen, la Moky i la Lali, no estava bé ni res jo allà :D).

Aquesta cançó em fa posar la pell de gallina! i remanant remanant he llegit que la cançó original és d'en David Gates (espero res a veure amb un altre gates...). La que poso jo és versionada per en Ken Boothe.

Everything I Own - Ken Boothe

You sheltered me from harm.
Kept me warm, kept me warm.
You gave my life to me.
Set me free, set me free.
The finest years I ever knew,
were all the years I had with you.

And I would give anything I own.
I'd give up my life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own,
just to have you back again.

You taught me how to laugh.
What a time, what a time.
You never said too much,
but still you showed you cared.
And I knew from watching you.

Nobody else could ever know,
the part of me that can't let go.

And I would give anything I own,
I'd give up my life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own,
just to have you back again.

Is there someone you know,
your loving them so,
but taking them all for granted?
You may lose them one day.
Someone takes them away,
and they don't hear the words you long to say.

I would give anything I own,
I'd give up my life, my heart, my home.
I would give everything I own,
just to have you back again;
just to touch you once again.

dilluns, de març 24, 2008

Al bon temps.. Bona cara!

Doncs sí hi ha el refrany aquell que diu Al mal temps bona cara... perquè no fer encara més bona cara quan el fa bó!! i avui m'he aixecat i tot el cel aclarit! un sol de cal Déu! llàstiam que m'he aixecat tard... (zzZZzz)

Encara podem salvar una part de dia però!! i a la tarda a donar la mona a la Cúmbia!

Poso una cançó que la trobo molt potent en sonoritat, vaia veuarra que té la cantant :P El grup es diu The Cliks i no crec que tingui res a veure amb els clics que comentava l'altre dia :)

Oh Yeah - The Clicks

Oh yeah, oh yeah, I’ve fallen down
But I can get up
Everyone in this fucking town
Can get their back up
Oh yeah you call yourself my friend
Your back is breaking
Why don’t we find out in the end
What’s for the taking

He’s not listening, he’s not listening
If he listened to your heart, he’d hear you saying

I want, I want, I want my baby
I want, I want, I want my baby
I want, I want, I want my baby back (x2)

Oh yeah, oh yeah, I’ve fallen down
There’s no use faking
And everyone in this old town
Can hear me raging
Oh yeah, you call yourself my friend
Don’t get your back up
I guess we’ll find out in the end
Who’s the real bastard

He’s not listening, he’s not listening
If he listened to your heart, he’d hear you saying

I want, I want, I want my baby
I want, I want, I want my baby
I want, I want, I want my baby back (x2)

He’s not listening, he’s not listening
If he listened to your heart, he’d hear you saying (x2)

I want, I want, I want my baby
I want, I want, I want my baby
I want, I want, I want my baby back (x2)

dijous, de març 20, 2008

Cap a Sora!

Doncs sí! avui comencen unes mini vacances per desconnectar!!! Ja tocava!!! Doncs agafarem la maleta i nirem cap a casa l'Alba a Sora! i mira com que sé que li agraden els clics (no sé com n'hi dieu vosaltres...) Aquest video va per ella!

El grup aquest es diuen The Boy Least Likely To (tela amb el nom...) és una mica rarot, tot s'ha de dir :P també s'ha de dir que l'he escoltat molt poc! (Descarregat d'ahir a la nit... ohh pirata pirata!!)

Ale pues!

I'm Glad I Hitched My Apple Wagon To Your Star - The Boy Least Likely To

I was young and I was stupid
I had just turned seventeen
I took my hits on a dumb road trip to Nashville, Tennessee
I packed my anti-histamines on top of the drugs
Harmonica, a box guitar,
In a canvas covered wagon stuffed with apples and with guns

We quietly slipped across the border into arkansas
But still we couldnt find that what it was we were looking for
So we crept under to get a look, along the Rio Grande
But I couldn't help but notice how
the little things that used to make us happy make us sad

But I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star
I never would have got here if I followed my heart
I didn't think much of it until i took it apart
I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star

We never ever made it down to Nashville in the end
And noone ever signed us, the country disco band
However hard we tried it, it never seemed enough
We never could get famous, it made us kinda happy
And it get me off the drugs

Now I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star
I never would have got here if I followed my heart
I didn't think much of it until i took it apart
I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star

To your star
To your star
To your star

I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star
I never would have got here if I followed my heart
I didn't think much of it til i took it apart
I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star

I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star
I'm happy if you're happy but it breaks our hearts
I didn't even notice until it fell apart
I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star

To your star
To your star
To your star
I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star
I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star
I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star
I'm glad I hitched my apple wagon to your star

dimecres, de març 19, 2008

Un refugi

Fa un temps parlava d'un grup que eren una bona colla sobre l'escenari, doncs els que avui poso també! Nosé com no havia posat cap cançó d'aquest grup... i menys com no havia posat aquesta!

El grup es diu I'm From Barcelona, i ja ús dic jo que de Barcelona no en tenen res... són uns cracks! i la seva música és animada i despreocupada.

Treehouse - I'm From Barcelona

I have built a treehouse
I have built a treehouse
Nobody can see us
'cause it's a you-and-me house

I've been climbing rocks and stones
Been collecting broken bones
I've been swimming across the lakes
Just to find this perfect place
I got lost into the woods
I've been covered up in mud
I've been going through a lot
Just to find this perfect spot

I have built a treehouse
I have built a treehouse
Nobody can see us
'cause it's a you-and-me house

dissabte, de març 15, 2008

Cap a la plana!

Doncs aquest cap de setmana toca anar cap a la Plana! a veure què si cou per allà :D i a veure si finalment arribo a Paster que n'he sentit molt a parlar... però encar ano hi he entrat mai!

Ja posaré la crònica! La cançó que poso m'ha sonat avui per casualitat a l'ipod, la tenia dins un recopilatori de música Indie, exactament el Indie Rock playlist: The Best Of 2007 i no em trec la tornada del cap. El grup es diu Voxtrot.

Bon cap de setmana a tots i totes!

Firecracker - Voxtrot

I had a lust. I had a firecracker
I had a love for the sound of this world
Im still in love its just a stab a laughter
It’s just a mark of the people we are
But don’t be daft no it’s just a monkey business
They’re running signs no remainders of sins
We dealing abstract no pain and no deliverance.
This is a punch im not punching up against
Oh, Its all just mirrors laugh and smoke
We are living in some tiny joke
And im here to show my love, ambition, dedication out to

Kick the wall smash the lights, ricochets burning up
I will not complain at all
I will never be tricked by you.
No No No
I will never be tricked by you.

I never thought that I would be this ugly
I never thought I'd be biting that hand
Defeats the math, this spits the seeds of money
I'm just a shell, I'm a sensitive man
We make a choice to unfold a tiny secret
Put it in lights for the grunt of this place
Is it the same thing to write it as to think it?
I'm chopping noses just to ruin my face
Break down on the record company
Did you turn you back on me? Or did I turn myself against myself?

I will kick the walls smash the lights, ricochets burning up
I will not complain at all
I will never be tricked by you.
No No No
I will never be tricked by you.

Im still in love
I set the love in motion
I stare at love with the future we planned
Tell me you feel, this aint complete emotion
Im still in love with you baby I am
Oh, did you turn your back on me?
Or did I turn myself against myself?

I'll will kick the walls, smash the lights, ricochets burning up
I will not complain at all
I will never be tricked by you.
No No No
I will never be tricked by you

dijous, de març 13, 2008

Es fa difícil

Avui posaré una cançó que fa un temps que ja volia posar... des de fa un mes hi ha una mena de va i ve en tot... Deu ser cosa del canvi climàtic (es veu que quan no saps perquè passa una cosa dius això i et quedes tant ample)

Bé la cançó és d'un grup que es diu The Bravery, el clip que poso no té molt mèrit... de fet és la portada de l'àlbum amb la cançó. He triat aquest perquè és el que tenia millor sonoritat, però si voleu veure'ls en directe els podeu veure aquí.

Bad Sun - The Bravery

We are lies like the summertime
like the spring we are such fools
like fall we are the prophets
like winter we are cruel

I don't know what's wrong with us
they just made us this way
There's a hole in you and me
That pulls us together

And I don't know where we belong
I think we grew under a bad sun
I know we're not like everyone
You and me we grew, under a bad sun

Every day you bring me pain
and we savor it like rain
we hold it on our tongues
just like wine

someday back when we were young
I guess something just went wrong
The two of us are hung
from the same twisted rope

And I don't know where we belong
I think we grew under a bad sun
I know we're not like everyone
you and me we grew under a bad sun (2x)

You and me we grew under a bad sun

diumenge, de març 09, 2008

Una altre nit a bcn

Ahir vaig passar una altre nit a Barcelona, reconec el canvi de no agradar-me gens a començar-me a agradar... però sempre en periodes curts (un cap de setmana màxim).
Quan vaig arribar vaig anar a trobar en Pitu, la Laia, la Lali i companyia a un bar on hi havia una noia que explicava contes per adults, la veritat és que em va sorpendre molt!

Després cap a Fontana, per anar a celebrar l'aniversari de la Laieta (FELICITAAATS!) on finalment vam sopar després d'estona de recerca d'un lloc (semblava impossible trobar-ne un!!). Tot seguit a fer el toc i cap el llit que tothom estava trinxat.

Per dormir em vaig posar un grup que feia temps que m'havia recomenat la Sandrix, i que cada vegada m'enganxen més! Es diuen Oi Va Voi.

Yesterday's Mistakes - Oi Va Voi

Don't need another resolution to feel
As though I'm going somewhere

You said you needed me
Or at least that's what I thought
At times the memories seem to be
Knocking at my door
I've seen the film a million times
Feels like I wrote the storyline
I refuse to replay the mistakes
That we made yesterday

I like to think I'm stronger now
Victim of common sense
The truth is that I know
I still confuse the past
With the present-tense

Condensing what we had
To a single frame
That sticks in my mind
As I try to move on
The same image comes back every time

They were yesterday's mistakes
And they were yesterday's mistakes
Yesterday's mistakes

Forgive my selfishness
I'd be grateful if you can
Forget my ingratitude
You think I'm twice the girl I am
They say we should forgive but not forget
What has gone before
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday

And they were yesterday's mistakes
Yesterday's mistakes
They were yesterday's mistakes

I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday

I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday

I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday
I refuse to replay
The mistakes that we made yesterday

divendres, de març 07, 2008


Ja tornema ser divendres! un altre cap de setmana s'acosta! però amb la setmana que he portat... entre malalt i perdut... nosé pas què farem :P Ja fa un temps vaig posar una cançó d'aquesta noia, la Terra Naomi.

Aquest cop però la cançó no és seva, sino d'un grup que es diu Sublime que no sabia qui eren fins avui :)

Santeria - Terra Naomi

I don't practice Santeria
I ain't got no crystal ball
Well I had a million dollars but I, I'd spend it all
If I could find that heina and that Sancho that she'd found
Well I'd pop a cap in sancho and I'd slap her down

What I really wanna know (my baby)
What I really wanna say, I can't define
Well it's love that I neeeeeed
My soul will have to

Wait till I get back
Find a heina of my own
Daddy's gonna love one and all
I feel the break, feel the break, feel the break
And I gotta live it out
Oh yeah un-huh
Well I swear that I

What I really wanna know (my baby)
What I really wanna say, I can't define
Got love! Make it go
My soul will have to...

What I really wanna say (my baby)
What I really wanna say, is I've got mine
And I'll make it
Yes, I'm going up

Tell Sanchito that if he knows what is good for him
He best go run and hide
Daddy's got a new .45
And I won't think twice
To stick that barrel straight down sancho's throat
Believe me when I say that I got something for his punk-ass

What I really wanna know (my baby)
What I really wanna say, is there's just one way back
And I'll make it
My soul will have to wait

Podeu veure i escoltar la cançó originial a aquí.

dijous, de març 06, 2008

Buscant el fil

Perdo el fil i el més trist és que el fil em perd a mi... Amb aquesta frase de la cançó que posaré avui començo, i és que és veritat a vegades no saps si ets tu que estàs perdut, lo altre que s'ha perdut de tu o que tothom està tant perdut que al final es troba...

No sé com encara no havia posat cap cançó d'en Quimi (compte amb la web :P)

La terra és plana - Quimi Portet

La terra és plana, ho sap tothom,
però a les planes hi ha rieres, codinetes i turons.
Potser tinc ànima, no ho sé;
però el que sé de cert és que el teu cos s’entén amb el meu cos.

Jo perdo el fil i no m’en recordo
de com et dius;
perdo el fil i el més trist és que
el fil em perd a mi.

Quatre palmeres i un camell,
barrejats en els meus somnis, en anglès parlen de tu.
Quatre palmeres i un camell
i una meuca en un carrer que crida: massa tard imbècil!

Perdo el fil i no m’en recordo
de com em dic;
perdo el fil però el més trist és que
el fil em perd a mi.

Si canta l’ànima m’en vaig
que jo no hi faig cap falta i no sé mai què he de dir.
Vibren les musses i no hi sóc,
pallús deconstructiu, intel.lectual carregós.
Un terapeuta de Rubí
que tracta el mal d’esquena amb infusions de comí.
Hiverns de l’hemisferi austral,
i un monjo tibetà penja una merda en un pal.

Xalets estúpids amb un gos;
pesa figues als meus somnis un turista italià.
Quatre palmeres i un camell,
semi-déus en un carrer que criden: massa lluny imbècil!