Doncs sí! fot un sol boníssim, llàstima que ara no sigui tant temps de sol i més temps de pluja. Una pluja que ens fa falta i que encara que no ens agradi que plogui és molt necessària.
Però ja que no podem decidir quin temps fa... més val aprofitar el que tenim! i amb aquest temps el millor és fer coses i no parar mai! Ahir mateix vam anar a apendre a fer iglús :D i d'aquí un mes hi tornem, però aquesta vegada hi passarem la nit (oohhohhh)
Avui també un gran bon dia! uns quants a escalar, d'altres d'excursió, i jo al final m'he aixecat i al veure aquest solet he anat a pedalar una mica.
La cançó que poso avui, la trobo molt alegre, fa despertar algu adins teu que et fa venir ganes de fer coses ;-)
El grup es diu Mando Diao, i com molts grups, tenen cançons que estan molt bé i d'altres que no tant, però en general molt recomanable
She was an alcoholic artist
With too much makeup round her eyes
And I never knew her real name
She was sunbeam wrapped in lies
But I love her and I'm sorry
And that's all there is to say
It's like a fairy from the ancient time
And I hope it,
I hope it stays that way
And when I woke up on your kitchen floor
With a headache made in hell
And the flowers that I gave you
Smiled at me from the window pane
Then I thought I must be crazy
'Cause I'm feeling kind of good
And then when satan helped me up again
It was then I,
It was then I understood
Well I was never meant to be the good boy
I was never meant to go to school
Well it's guys like me who get somewhere
'Cause everybody pity a fool
Now it's payback for the rainy days
Now it's no more me and you
Well I got mine you got yours babe
Now it's payback
Now it's me against the world
Baby, it was the last time I forgave you
Oh, it was the last time I forgave you
Baby, it was the last time I forgave you
Oh, it was the last time I forgave you
Baby, it was the last time I forgave you
Baby, it was the last time I forgave you
Oh, it was the last time I forgave you
Oh, it was the last time I forgave you