Demà examen de Mapa de sistemes.... estic estudiant... no entenc re... no vull fer-lo!!!
dimecres, de febrer 21, 2007
A la biblio estudiant mapes...
Publicat per Edu a 15:58 0 comentaris Alimenta el meu blog (Escriu-me un comentari!)
Etiquetes de comentaris: musica pel moment, the strokes
dissabte, de febrer 17, 2007
You Only Live Once
Some people think they're always right
Others are quiet and uptight
Others they seem so very nice nice nice nice (oh-ho)
Inside they might feel sad and wrong (oh no)
Twenty-nine different attributes
Only seven that you like
Twenty ways to see the world (oh-ho)
Twenty ways to start a fight (oh-ho)
Oh don't don't don't get up
I can't see the sunshine
I'll be waiting for you, baby
Cause I'm through
Sit me down
Shut me up
I'll calm down
And I'll get along with you
Oh men don't notice what they got
Women think of that a lot
One thousand ways to please your man (oh-ho)
Not even one requires a plan (I know)
Countless odd religions, too
It doesn't matter which you choose (oh no)
One stubborn way to turn your back (oh-ho)
This I've tried and now refuse (oh-ho)
Oh don't don't don't get up
I can't see the sunshine
I'll be waiting for you, baby
Cause I'm through
Sit me down
Shut me up
I'll calm down
And I'll get along with you
Shut me up
Shut me up
And I'll get along with you
Publicat per Edu a 16:44 0 comentaris Alimenta el meu blog (Escriu-me un comentari!)
Etiquetes de comentaris: lletres, musica, the strokes
divendres, de febrer 16, 2007
On the other side...
I'm tired of everyone I know
Of everyone I see
On the street
And on TV, yeah
On the other side
On the other side
Nobody's waiting for me
On the other side
I hate them all, I hate them all
I hate myself
For hating them
So drink some more
I'll love them all
I'll drink even more
I'll hate them even more than I did before
On the other side
On the other side
Nobody's waiting for me
On the other side
I remember when you came
You told me how to sing
Now, it seems so far away
You told me how to sing
I'm tired of being so judgemental
Of everyone
I will not go to sleep
I will train my eyes to see
In my mind is this blood as a birch on a train
On the other side
On the other side
I know what's waiting for me
On the other side
On the other side
On the other side
I know you're waiting for me
On the other side
Publicat per Edu a 21:28 0 comentaris Alimenta el meu blog (Escriu-me un comentari!)
Motivació, on ets?
Doncs sí..., demà tinc examen de Macro-Economia, no cal dir que no em bé gens de gust fer aquest examen. i que estic del tot desmotivat per estudiar. Tinc unes ganes immenses d'acabar la carrera ja i plegar d'estudiar.
Ja sé que treballar i estudiar no és el mateix que només treballar, però porto massa temps fent les dues coses juntes. Necessito acabar amb una, i aquesta és l'estudiar.
Normalment tinc ganes de que sigui divendres, això vol dir que ja sóm al cap de setmana i que torno a Girona, però aquesta setmana no és així. Motivació = 0. No tinc ganes de res, que passi el temps i prou.
Una cançó pel moment:
Publicat per Edu a 01:12 0 comentaris Alimenta el meu blog (Escriu-me un comentari!)
Etiquetes de comentaris: motivació, personal, universitat